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Kent BK4 help again!

Hi all,

Is it normal with this brush that when you apply the lather to your face it just splays into two halves or clumps? I find i cant really use circular motions but have to paint it on.

I hope this makes sense, if not i'll try and get some photos
I do the same thing with my BK4. I find that works the best with that brush. As long as you're getting good coverage, and a slick surface, IMHO that's all that's needed.


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face lathered my BK8 (bigger then the 4) for the past 3 days. it is not as dense as some of my other brushes, but does a fine job.

i start with cirucular for 20-30sec, then finish with paing/slapping for 20-30sec.

you shouldn't have to mash this brush (or any brush for that matter) when face lathering, just light pressure with the tips is all that is needed.
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You should paint your lather on. Slap your face (back and forth).

The Kent brushes work best when building lather in a bowl or scuttle then applying the pre-made lather to your face


I face lather exclusively, and regularly use a BK4. I start out with circular motions for about 45 seconds, and once the lather is on my face, I use a painting motion for about 30 seconds to even out the lather.

As for splaying, the Kent splays more easily than my other two brushes in regular rotation, Shavemac in finest (23knot/50loft) and Commodore X1, but my Kent does not splay like your brush. The hair fans out, splays, making an even circle.

Your brush may be too wet, which may may causing it to splay in clumps rather than evenly fanning out.

There was an excellent review here about a year ago on the BK4. The consensus was that it was an excellent brush for face lathering and should not be be delegated only to the bowl.
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