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Karve Overlander

The Overlander is the only razor I've had but sold that I regret selling. It isn't a new story but I bought mine used... had the seller ship it directly Chris Spencer @ Back Roads Gold and replate the razor in his hardened 24K gold. The base was black aluminum and Chris can't replate aluminum. It was a thing of beauty.

The problem? I couldn't get the shave from it as nice as my other top razors.... but I got it months ago, way before my technique started improving. On this thread, I've seen people say they only shave steep with it.. others say a more neutral angle is better. All I know is.... I wasn't able to find the angle for myself. I think, now, if I bought another one, I'd be able to figure it out.

I'm not really ready to add another razor to my "must buy" list..... that means, I'm pausing as I type..... Will the Overlander end up back on my bathroom vanity countertop? It just might, but not in the immediate future.
Until today's shave, I was wondering if I bought into a bunch of hype. But once you get it right ... wow! :)
I've never heard the term "smooth" used more for any other product, so that alone has kept me on the hook for this thing for a year now. I never thought of it as hype so much as exuberance. Any doubts I have relate to the buying experience, not the razor itself. I'm envious of your ah-ha moment.
I don't have experience with a lot of razors. Yes, the Overlander is smooth. But I wouldn't characterize its shave experience as smooth. IMHO, there's a smoothness to the Rockwell 6s that's unparalleled. But the 6s isn't in the same class as the Overlander. The 6s has never delivered the shave the Overlander can.

I haven't considered it an ah-ha moment. But yeah, that's exactly what is was today. :)
I recently purchased the Yates Winning because it was within budget, and a test to see if I like stainless as a long-term item (certainly looks-wise it is). I'm sure it can stand on its own, and hope it does. But the reasoning behind the test was also to see if it was worthwhile to spend a whole gob more on the Overlander stainless, or go for the aluminum instead. The Karve has become a brain-worm, if you will, something I can't not think about. The reviews, for the most part, have been compelling.
I recently purchased the Yates Winning because it was within budget, and a test to see if I like stainless as a long-term item (certainly looks-wise it is). I'm sure it can stand on its own, and hope it does. But the reasoning behind the test was also to see if it was worthwhile to spend a whole gob more on the Overlander stainless, or go for the aluminum instead. The Karve has become a brain-worm, if you will, something I can't not think about. The reviews, for the most part, have been compelling.
It's funny you mention the Winning Razor (I saw that you received one) ... I was thinking if I had been familiar with using a Winning or Henson razor, I may have adapted to the Overlander quicker. But having said that, if I hadn't gone down the RazorRock path and honed my skills shaving my face with the Lupo, I may not have benefited with such a great shave today. Anyway, if you decide to get the stainless steel Overlander, -- my guess is -- you won't be disappointed.
I recently purchased the Yates Winning because it was within budget, and a test to see if I like stainless as a long-term item (certainly looks-wise it is). I'm sure it can stand on its own, and hope it does. But the reasoning behind the test was also to see if it was worthwhile to spend a whole gob more on the Overlander stainless, or go for the aluminum instead. The Karve has become a brain-worm, if you will, something I can't not think about. The reviews, for the most part, have been compelling.
It crept inside my head as well, because of positive comments from people with somewhat disparate preferences .

It's funny you mention the Winning Razor (I saw that you received one) ... I was thinking if I had been familiar with using a Winning or Henson razor, I may have adapted to the Overlander quicker. But having said that, if I hadn't gone down the RazorRock path and honed my skills shaving my face with the Lupo, I may not have benefited with such a great shave today. Anyway, if you decide to get the stainless steel Overlander, -- my guess is -- you won't be disappointed.
I think I appreciated it as well due to the dues paid learning how to drive my Gamechanger (3 base plates), but in no way do I think that love of a Henson (at least a mild) is a predictor of whether one will like an Overlander. I've never played with a ++ or +++ however. I can't speak to those.

... Thom
It crept inside my head as well, because of positive comments from people with somewhat disparate preferences .

I think I appreciated it as well due to the dues paid learning how to drive my Gamechanger (3 base plates), but in no way do I think that love of a Henson (at least a mild) is a predictor of whether one will like an Overlander. I've never played with a ++ or +++ however. I can't speak to those.

... Thom
I didn't state but let me add, the Winning Razor crept into my head too. I had to talk myself out of it. :)

Like you, I couldn't predict that anyone who loves the Henson would love the Overlander. But using a razor like the Henson or Winning would probably help in adapting to the razor's shaving angle that's cut into the razor's head. The Overlander's shaving angle is there but it's more subtle looking.
How does the Overlander compare to Rockwell C6/S6 R5 plate?
I, like you, was asking this sort of question before I got the Overlander. It's really hard to compare the Overlander to a single plate of the Rockwell 6s/c. I'm very new to the Overlander; and it took me four shaves to coax out its brilliance. But once you coax it out, you realize the Overlander is in a completely different class. I would describe it with the gentleness of the '2' plate but with the effectiveness of the '6' plate. But with all the shaves I've had with the 6s (more than two years of use) it has never delivered the shave of the Overlander.

The 6s was my first razor. I mainly used it for my first two years of traditional shaving. At the end of those two years I was mainly using plate '5' -- but sometimes '6.' My shaves were okay, but I couldn't achieve the mythical BBS -- I had areas I could never get perfectly smooth, like on my neck. That's when I found this forum. Which sent me off on an adventure with the RazoRock Game Changer and then the Lupo. With the Lupo I really learned how to shave my face. As I got better I bought less agressive Lupo plates. A few months ago I picked up the 6s and used plate '4.' I figured the shave would be my last hurrah with the 6s. But, to my surprise, it was terrific. So I kept using the 6s with different plates. I eventually settled on using plate '3.' So that's my background with the 6s. Going from plate '3' to the Overlander.
Having finally received the Overlander, I have had three runs around the block with it. These are my first impressions.

It might help to have some background information about the way I shave. I am a daily shaver because of work. My beard is of medium thickness and the hair is neither fine nor coarse.

I always shave after a shower. After giving my face a thorough rinse, I apply a pre-shave gel and lather up. My blade of choice is Gillette 7 O’clock Green. Three passes normally does me with the occasional touch-up if technique has momentarily abandoned me.

The razor itself is quite hefty. It is clearly well over 100 g in weight. The handle length is at the upper ranges for my liking. I have relatively small hands (you know what they say. Small hands small… gloves). Most blokes will have no trouble with handle length. The blade reveal was consistently good each time.

I did notice that there seemed to be a larger space than usual between the end of the blade and the end of the cap. I find the smaller that space, the easier it is to get into awkward places like under the nose. In my case, unlike my hands, the hooter is a reasonably large protuberance. Having said that, I had no difficulty in that regard with this razor.

The first thing I noticed, while shaving, was a lack of blade feel. The second was an absence of blade chatter. I could hear, slightly, the beard being mown down but it was nowhere near as loud as I have sometimes heard.

This razor is very efficient. A first pass would nearly have done me except by 3 o’clock in the afternoon I would have felt sandpaper-like. After three passes (WTG, XTG and ATG) my cheeks and jawline were BBS. My neck, especially the lower part, will never achieve BBS. But with some J-hooking was more than passable. That is my problem not the razor’s.

It is also very smooth. I had no cuts or weepers and at no time did I think the ambulance should be called on the off chance I was going to bleed out.

During the course of the shave, the handle did not allow for any slippage. At no time did I feel anything other than comfortable with that regardless of how wet or soapy the handle became.

Perhaps a comparison for Karve lovers. I also have (amongst other razors, the number of which I choose not to reveal) the Karve Christopher Bradley SB D plate (with a number of other plates which I also choose not to reveal). I gave that a trot the day after I had finished with the Overlander. The two shaves were remarkably similar. The major difference I found was greater blade feel with the D plate. Efficiency was similar but the D plate was more aggressive.

All in all, I am very pleased with my purchase and can recommend it.
Great write-up. I’ve been on the fence on the Overlander for some time. Former CB owner - sold it last year in favor of a Timeless Ti 95.

I am waiting on a Yates Winning Ti on pre-order. Will wait to see how I like this razor before making a call on the Overlander. Maybe a pass around will pop up here or on DFS.
Great write-up. I’ve been on the fence on the Overlander for some time. Former CB owner - sold it last year in favor of a Timeless Ti 95.

I am waiting on a Yates Winning Ti on pre-order. Will wait to see how I like this razor before making a call on the Overlander. Maybe a pass around will pop up here or on DFS.
Cheers mate. I have the Christopher Bradley too. Not tried the Timeless or Yates.

Eben Stone

Staff member
My Overlander arrived last night. My two prior shaves were with a Wardonia which had something like a 3mm blade gap. Unfortunately, I don't seem capable of transitioning from massive to minuscule blade gaps overnight.

I used a Suneko (1) blade which does really well when paired with the Yaqi Knight Helmet. This is my first shave with the Overlander, so obviously I have no idea if the Suneko and Overlander is a good blade pairing.

This razor felt very mild to me during the WTG pass, too mild, Henson ++ territory.

But the ATG pass was quite inspiring and full of potential. The lack of resistance at the handle when going 2nd pass mustache ATG was quite amazing. I could probably go first pass ATG with this one quite easily, mustache, chin, and sideburns included. I can't say that about all my razors.

I need more shaves to really dial this one in. I'm still on the fence.

I don't have any Kais at the moment, so for the next shaves I'll try a Nacet and a Feather. If anyone knows any tricks to improve efficiency during the WTG pass please let me know. For the Henson +++, I typically apply pressure like a Mach3 and ride the cap, and I tried that with the Overlander, but that didn't seem to improve anything. Didn't hurt anything either.

Maybe I'm in the minority. Or the only one. But I was able to apply a ridiculous amount of pressure without being punished (I only tried it as an experiment to see what would happen). I'm kinda worried about newbies using using this razor to learn with. How can you learn what no pressure means if there's no punishment? I guess that's not a problem unless you migrate to a more aggressive razor.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
I could probably go first pass ATG with this one quite easily, mustache, chin, and sideburns included. I can't say that about all my razors.

It’s a great all-ATG razor with a Shark Platinum or something sharper.

for the next shaves I'll try a Nacet and a Feather.

Bic Chrome Platinum, Nacet, and Shark Platinum have all been nice to me.

I'm kinda worried about newbies using using this razor to learn with.

I think paying around or over $100USD shipped will scare off most newbies. Also, unless they’re hyperfixated on shaving with safety razors, this is easily a great one-and-done razor.

Hoping the WTG shavers chime in
My Overlander arrived last night. My two prior shaves were with a Wardonia which had something like a 3mm blade gap. Unfortunately, I don't seem capable of transitioning from massive to minuscule blade gaps overnight.

I used a Suneko (1) blade which does really well when paired with the Yaqi Knight Helmet. This is my first shave with the Overlander, so obviously I have no idea if the Suneko and Overlander is a good blade pairing.

This razor felt very mild to me during the WTG pass, too mild, Henson ++ territory.

But the ATG pass was quite inspiring and full of potential. The lack of resistance at the handle when going 2nd pass mustache ATG was quite amazing. I could probably go first pass ATG with this one quite easily, mustache, chin, and sideburns included. I can't say that about all my razors.

I need more shaves to really dial this one in. I'm still on the fence.

I don't have any Kais at the moment, so for the next shaves I'll try a Nacet and a Feather. If anyone knows any tricks to improve efficiency during the WTG pass please let me know. For the Henson +++, I typically apply pressure like a Mach3 and ride the cap, and I tried that with the Overlander, but that didn't seem to improve anything. Didn't hurt anything either.

Maybe I'm in the minority. Or the only one. But I was able to apply a ridiculous amount of pressure without being punished (I only tried it as an experiment to see what would happen). I'm kinda worried about newbies using using this razor to learn with. How can you learn what no pressure means if there's no punishment? I guess that's not a problem unless you migrate to a more aggressive razor.
I'm not sure where the surprise lies with this razor. If you read through these threads, you'll find that quite a few individuals categorize the Overlander as being in the range of a Henson ++ or perhaps very slightly more than that.

It seems as if you have leather for a face. I'm jealous :biggrin:

I would never consider adding pressure to an Overlander. The smallest amount of excess pressure punishes me rather dramatically.

... Thom

Eben Stone

Staff member
I'm not sure where the surprise lies with this razor. If you read through these threads, you'll find that quite a few individuals categorize the Overlander as being in the range of a Henson ++ or perhaps very slightly more than that.
More confirmation that surprise. I hope I didn't come off whining or complaining. Most of my experience is with aggressive and/or efficient razors. I bought this razor on a whim, to experiment with, and try to improve my technique with mild razors (I find it challenging to get a close shave using a mild razor).
More confirmation that surprise. I hope I didn't come off whining or complaining. Most of my experience is with aggressive and/or efficient razors. I bought this razor on a whim, to experiment with, and try to improve my technique with mild razors (I find it challenging to get a close shave using a mild razor).
Yup, what I refer to as the paradox of mild, but inefficient razors = more passes and more irritation.

... Thom
If anyone knows any tricks to improve efficiency during the WTG pass please let me know.
Overlander is magic razor for me. Feel too easy WTG, feels like it doesn't work, in reality it does very well.
For me helps Kai blade + holding it in first pass so that blade is like it would be slant (blade is crossways when shaving WTG what is for me N-S).
I prefer full 3 passes, most important ATG where everybody can see how extraordinary Overlander is. It take little time to adjust and not to belive feelings from other razors. I had to learn, it is possible to archive so close shave without feel it so when shaving..
The way people describe the Overlander is a bit confusing to me. How does it compare to the GameChanger line ? is it closer to the GameChanger 68 or 84 in terms of efficiency ?
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I have the Gamechanger 84 and the Overlander Brass. I find them equally efficient. The differences for me are the greater blade feel and manoeuvrability of the GC. The profile of the GC is smaller. The O has a small amount of drag/suction as it passes over the skin. Barely noticeable but just there. Both have similar weight. My GC came with a smaller handle than the Overlander did. I do like them both.
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