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Karve Diem

Will you be ordering a SS Karve?

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Went for an easy one. Karve D & Perma-Sharp blade is just unfair. Whiskers never knew what hit them this morning. Quality, performance and value is up there with the best in the business. While I’ll sing his praises for producing an effective shaving tool, I’ll also say that the business model end of it is mediocre at best. And that’s being very kind. Others say it’s abysmal and I‘d have no argument against that point. If the customer end of it could be improved upon with just the simple change in importance of attitude of communication, real time info & true transparency, I’d like to believe he’d be in a much better position in terms of sales, marketability & most importantly customer satisfaction tethered to customer brand loyalty. A shame that the struggle to be committed to overall customer service excellence as a top priority still evades this small artisan company. I’m surprised that through all these years of existence as a business, Karve hasn’t given any thought to using an outside agent to handle sales & service. He could focus on simply producing their quality products & ship them to wanting customers while the private agency can handle incoming calls on information, emails, customer service questions and taking orders with a direct line to CB for any and all real time updates. They would charge a nominal fee or percentage of total sales for a more free flowing and streamlined business venture. That’s enough of beating up that dead horse. I do hope he figures it out so that he can stay in business and keep producing these world class products. Because make no mistake, despite the business shortcomings, he produces some exceptionally fantastic razors.

Great shaves to all…

366 daily shaves

Karve Christopher Bradley OC-CSuper Max Blue Diamond (4)Semogue Cherry Finest
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (16)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
6.5/10 (Multiweeper)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
9/10 (Buttery Smooth)


Comfortable shave with the Karve, but with a few mishaps along the way (because of the blade - the razor was marvellous). Less than usual end result overall. Still good looking in the office!

Extended shave notes can be found here.

Enjoy your shave today!
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