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Kanon Norwegian Wood

Just picked some up,$6.99 at Marshalls, have not set it upon myself yet, sprayed it in car, like scent. They had Original Kanon too, which would be better suited to a soon to be 45 year old father of three?? Don't want people thinking i am trying to be a young hipster!!! I will try it out tomorrow and see if it agrees with my skin.
I haven't tried the original Kanon, but I do like the Norwegian Wood scent. I think you'll be fine wearing it. Besides, who cares what other people think, as long as it smells good to you and your lady. I find it to be a subtle scent so it shouldn't offend anyone.


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bought, spray, smelled, returned. it was not for me. too bad though, as it was dirty cheap and available at my local discounts store (winners)
It's been almost 30 years since I wore Kanon (it may have changed since then - seems like everything's been reformulated). I always considered it rather classic. Have not had the chance to smell Norwegian Wood.
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