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I've taken the plunge .and ordered "The Veg"

I couldn't resist any longer. While surfing Amazon I happened upon a 6oz bottle of Pinauds Lilac Vegetal. I couldn't resist, I have to know if I am
one of the chosen. I await it's delivery with eager anticipation. Prey for me boys.........to be continued.
Whoo hoo.

Good for you

The VEG rocks :001_smile

Recently tried this after reading the horrors on here. I like it just fine, but I see where some people say it smells like urine. It is the wetshaver's durian.
People either find it repulsive or they love it.....I absolutely love the powdery flowery scent and so does SWMBO, thumbs up to this classic


Now half as wise
It gets even better if you put it into a glass container for storage.

Used it this morning!


My elbows leak
Staff member
Go bold, or go home!

Don't sniff it from the bottle. Splash it on LIBERALLY, then wait about 5 or 10 minutes.

Then you'll know.
I opened up my Sight unseen straight from Whipped Dog today and found to my surprise and/or horror that Larry had enclosed a small samole of the Veg.
The notes dun dun daaaaaaaaaaa went through my head.
Maybe the weekend is a good time to try.
I took the plunge about three months ago and wear it on occasion. The more I use it, the more I like it.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I took the plunge about three months ago and wear it on occasion. The more I use it, the more I like it.

It sometimes takes a little more time for the scent molecules to actually attach themselves to the brain synapses. :lol:
I tried a sample I received and while it did smell like cat **** at first, it did dry down to an interesting floral and earthy? note. Even though I could easily wear this scent I am more of a bass scent fan (think wood, leather, spice) so I will leave the ever-polarizing Lilac Vegetal to you lucky gents. FWIW eBarbershop's own Classic Lilac aftershave that I also sampled is nothing like the Veg. It is highly restricted and straight lilac in scent, didn't care for this one either.
Blzrfn, you sound like a good candidate for the Clubman Special Reserve. That is some nice stuff! It is all of what you just described. My wife (scent tester #1) likes it a lot. Bonus!

Now, we can go back to the Veg....
Yesterday was a VEG day shave. I don't use it as often as I should now that I have such a large selection of after shaves to choose from but every time I do my first reaction is always WOW.... No matter how you try to remember how the VEG smells there is nothing like the reality of splashing it on to really get your attention :001_smile

Well, my bottle arrived today. I couldn't wait to try it so I unceremoniously ripped the seal from the cap and took a whiff. WhoooooHooooooo it sure doesn't smell like lilac in the bottle that's for sure. But I knew that in advance and without hesitation poured about a tablespoon into my palm and slapped it onto my cheeks. Er, it still doesn't smell like lilac. That's OK, I'll just wait for the drydown like everyone says. It does get better but
I can still see why some people may associate it with cat-pee. The final nail in it's coffin was the look on my wifes face when she came home. It was very similar to the look on one of our Olympic gymnasts, a certain McKayla Maroney.
You remember her don't you? She's the one with the sour-puss expression. So gents, I guess I'm not one of the chosen few and will soon be selling or trading my bottle of cat-pee on the BST


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My elbows leak
Staff member
No one can say you didn't give it a fair shake.
Sorry to hear that your chemistry and the Veg are at odds.
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