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I've Decided to Man Up.

Hello Gents,

As the title said, I've decided to "man up" and try straight razor shaving. I've ordered a sight unseen razor and strop from Larry at Whipped Dog and have spent some time reading newbie literature. I'm excited to try it but was initially apprehensive when I kept hearing about honing, stones, paste, general maintenance, etc. After some reflection, I realized that the responsibilities that come with straight razor shaving are part of the allure or journey.

Truth is, I'm pretty good with my hands and patient enough to teach myself different skills. Ultimately, I'll try to keep it simple but after looking at straight razors for sale...the RAD is lurking nearby!

My plan is to use the razor that Larry sends to me for a while. After that, I'll be shopping for a new straight, I think. My only real conundrum (been waiting to use that word...) is carbon or stainless blade. I'll have to figure that out eventually.

Best Regards,

I haven't (yet) done any shaving with a straight.

But I am a long time knife collector and user. I have butchered a lot of beefs and skinned more game animals than I can count, from furbearers of various kinds to big game.

I have been sharpening knives for my own use and for my buddies for many years because I have a knack for it.

And I prefer carbon steel to stainless, by a mile.

You will get a lot of varying opinions, but that is mine.
I haven't (yet) done any shaving with a straight.

But I am a long time knife collector and user. I have butchered a lot of beefs and skinned more game animals than I can count, from furbearers of various kinds to big game.

I have been sharpening knives for my own use and for my buddies for many years because I have a knack for it.

And I prefer carbon steel to stainless, by a mile.

You will get a lot of varying opinions, but that is mine.

Can I ask why you prefer carbon over stainless? I'd be remiss not to ask based on your experience.
I have found carbon steel to be easier to sharpen, generally speaking.

Furthermore, the kind of edge you want on a straight razor has been in my experience easier to get with carbon steels.

Some guys like a "coarser" edge with a knife based on the kind of cutting they primarily do. Others prefer a "finer" edge.

In knife steels, my experience has been better with carbon.
Carbon steel knives also seem to respond better to stropping on leather than most stainless.

I'm sure there will be those who disagree with me.
If you get into vintage razors, they will all be carbon steel as will the one you get from whipped dog. They are not very hard to care for. If your on this site, it's safe to assume that shaving is part hobby to you. Caring for your equipment, like honing, is ,in your words," part of the allure". Just keep your whipped dog razor clean and dry and you will see that stainless is not really necessary. I always tell people to remember, it is stain-LESS not stain-PROOF. Stainless tool steel will still rust.
I'm not sure stainless or carbon matters at this point. Your preferences will likely change over time. So I would recommend just getting something you will enjoy shaving with. Some say 5/8 to 6/8, round tip razors are the way to go for a beginner. I'm not so sure these things really matter at first. Good luck and welcome aboard.
Thanks guys. It's funny. I swore I'd only need one DE razor and some blades. Three years later I have a nice little collection. Now, I'm waiting for my Whipped Dog razor and trying like hell not to buy a new straight with beautiful olive wood scales...And I've yet to have shaved with a straight.
You wont be sorry jason. I jumped into wet shaving and started with a SR and I love it. Sure, my face looked like Freddy Kruger visited me for awhile, but some pain is required sometimes for things you love!

You wont be sorry jason. I jumped into wet shaving and started with a SR and I love it. Sure, my face looked like Freddy Kruger visited me for awhile, but some pain is required sometimes for things you love!


Freddy Kreuger???? Yikes!!! Lol
Thanks guys. It's funny. I swore I'd only need one DE razor and some blades. Three years later I have a nice little collection. Now, I'm waiting for my Whipped Dog razor and trying like hell not to buy a new straight with beautiful olive wood scales...And I've yet to have shaved with a straight.

Your willpower is better than mine - I now have several DEs and am slowly building a SR collection. Help!
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