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It's been a long time. Finally scored a President.

Not my first mind you but out of the miles and time in the wild I've come up empty from the Antique fairs with over three hundred vendors to the mon & pop shop. I was wondering when this streak was going to snap. Finally today I walked into an antique store I hadn't been in for over a year and looking at glass case I saw nothing but trinkets and odd ball stuff. Yet this black box called to me. Why? I don't know. I reached in opened it and BAM. A Gillette President. Have to clean it still. Feels good as I just came from another antique store that had closed it's doors and that folks is not how you want to start your hunt. Thanks for the read & comments.


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I need a flea bath
Awesome, I want to find one in the wild so I have a Shaver. The one I have appears to be unused......it will stay that way.

That is a dream find. :thumbup1:
I saw nothing but trinkets and odd ball stuff. Yet this black box called to me. Why? I don't know. I reached in opened it and BAM. A Gillette President.

The question is, did you find the razor, or did the razor find you?

Either way Congrats.
Congrats, that thing is beautiful! Quite jealous I think you may have the longest wild razor hunt alive. You might as well start a wild razor orphanage as you locate quite a few lookers. But its surely a beauty, almost snagged one off ebay that was labelled wrong and cheap, but alas they didn't ship to Canada.
Thanks for the compliments guys. Keep your feet moving even if you have a stretch without finding anything. I wish all of you good fortune hunting!


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Nice Find. I am really looking forward to the day I score a President...hopefully cheap and local!

Let us know how it shaves. :biggrin1:
Thanks guys for the comments. I just shaved with it and wow what a phenomenal shaver it is! I'm sad report that for some odd reason when I put this razor into the ultrasonic( a cheap plastic vibrating con-air model) with light dish soap some 25% of the rhodium knurling along the handle disintegrated! :letterk2: Totally bummed. The rest of it is fine and shiny. Wonder what the heck happened? Totally stumped. The water was just hot tap water and light dish soap. Anyone experience this before while cleaning? Dang, need a replate I guess.:biggrin1: Dave?....Wait rhodium replate is expensive. Hmmm, maybe it'll be a Jefferson President? Any objections? Krona?.....


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I need a flea bath
Thanks guys for the comments. I just shaved with it and wow what a phenomenal shaver it is! I'm sad report that for some odd reason when I put this razor into the ultrasonic( a cheap plastic vibrating con-air model) with light dish soap some 25% of the rhodium knurling along the handle disintegrated! :letterk2: Totally bummed. The rest of it is fine and shiny. Wonder what the heck happened? Totally stumped. The water was just hot tap water and light dish soap. Anyone experience this before while cleaning? Dang, need a replate I guess.:biggrin1: Dave?....Wait rhodium replate is expensive. Hmmm, maybe it'll be a Jefferson President? Any objections? Krona?.....

That deserves the Ouch smiley. :ouch1:
the president is a great razor, the handle brassing where the rhodium plate is seems to be a problem with them though,its a pity, they are real nice looking and great shavers.
Sorry to learn of the ultrasonic mishap, but that does seem to be the "achilles' heel" of the President razor. Mine shows signs of wear there too. I do not know if Gillette did not prep the handles right or if a base layer of nickel was needed but you razor is not alone....I feel you pain.
It wasn't the ultrasonic. Upon closer inspection in the above photo you can just barely make out the specs of black which I thought was hard blackened soap scum. Not the case with rhodium. Although I'm no expert on metals I believe it is the equivalent of finding the dreaded green on nickel such as that green hulk Fatboy I found awhile back. That black was corrosion which led to plate loss and would have had the same end result regardess of the cleaning method in my pursuit of removing the "black scum" from the razor. I've used an ultra sonic on several Presidents without this problem and on my platinum rings, gold, etc.
Lessoned learned.
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