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Italian Croap Smackdown - Cella vs. Vito's vs. 3P

I overcame my initial challenges with Cella and now count it as a favorite. To explore further, I bought the liter package of Vito's [FONT=&amp]Extra Super Shave Cream[/FONT] and a kilo of 3P Sapone da Barba Vegetale. I haven't tried the other two mega-croaps yet, but am wondering if anyone else has. Interested in your mileage and impressions. I'll post my own when I get some more shaves under my belt (that doesn't sound right but you know what I mean).
I've tried Cella and Vitos Extra Super[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] but not 3p. Cella and Vitos perform similarily. After face feel is also pretty similar. I very much prefer the smell of Vitos. It doesn't have any of the powdery almost floral tones that Cella has, almond only. [/FONT]
I have all 3 but so far have only used Cella's and 3P. I prefer 3P, but the scent while shaving is very soapy I find. It makes a hell of a lather and the post shave feel to me is better than Cellas.
Each is an excellent performer; preferences will vary according to personal whims, I think. I'm guessing that the pre-lathered scents of 3P and Vitos Extra Super would be less polarizing among shavers than the pre-lathered playdough-like scents of Cella and (let me add) Vitos Super, though the pre-lathered scents of the latter two transform nicely when lathered. I personally give an edge to the richness and lathered scent of Cella, but others will reach different conclusions. They're all terrific.
Both of those are great. However, I think Boellis Panama 1924 is the absolute best Italian soft soap.
Both of those are great. However, I think Boellis Panama 1924 is the absolute best Italian soft soap.

How would you compare it to PannaCrema? I really like both the Cella and Vitos but PC is still my favorite soft Italian soap. I've never tried Boellis Panama 1924.
Very interested in your results - thread subscribed. Others have compared before (including on other forums) - but nice to get a fresh perspective.

Also, you bought 2 (or 3?) kgs of almond scented soap? Props! :)
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I use all three -Cella, Vito's Extra Super and 3P, and love them all. I would also recommend RazoRock's R-160 if you want to look at another Italian croap - this was meant to approximate the discontinued P.160. However, the three you mention should suffice. I personally am swayed by the fact that 3P has the same ingredients (and in the same order) as MdC; the performance is similar too.
But I love them all.
Looks like Joe at Italian Barber will be reviving actual P.160, but under the RazorRock name.

I use all three -Cella, Vito's Extra Super and 3P, and love them all. I would also recommend RazoRock's R-160 if you want to look at another Italian croap - this was meant to approximate the discontinued P.160. However, the three you mention should suffice. I personally am swayed by the fact that 3P has the same ingredients (and in the same order) as MdC; the performance is similar too.
But I love them all.
I've personally only used Cella, but have been curious about the other two. I'm anxiously awaiting the results of your comparison, as it looks like opinions here are leaning toward 3P. I find that interesting, as the only one that gets regular discussion around here is Cella. I would also like to see a comparison between the 3 different versions of Vitos if anyone has tried them all, and which one is the best bang for the buck. I would say with 3 kg of soap, you will be set for years! I hope you like the smell of almond. HaHa!
While Cella is my personal favorite within this group of excellent performers, 3P may provide the best bang for the buck (at Connaught's price).
I would also like to know the differences in the Vito's varieties. IB has pretty much the same info for all the Vito's bricks.
Well I just bit the bullet and picked up a brick of Vito's. It was between that and 3P, but I wanted the tallow soap.
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