So I've been looking at a shavette as a fun little add on to the straight collection and I've pretty much settled on a Sanguine, but some of them don't come with jimps. I hear they are slippery without jimps, and I can get a great deal buying a Sanguine on the bay (but with no guarantee about jimps). Wheels have started turning in my head and my mind went back to all those crazy things I have seen Seraphim do. The light bulb went off and I realized that a Shavette has no temper to ruin, and I could probably screw around with it without completely destroying it.
Now I have the urge to get a Sanguine, break out the Dremel, and flog it like a red headed step child. I've already got more projects than solutions/time. What's wrong with me? I want to work a shavette.

Now I have the urge to get a Sanguine, break out the Dremel, and flog it like a red headed step child. I've already got more projects than solutions/time. What's wrong with me? I want to work a shavette.