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Is this urge normal?

So I've been looking at a shavette as a fun little add on to the straight collection and I've pretty much settled on a Sanguine, but some of them don't come with jimps. I hear they are slippery without jimps, and I can get a great deal buying a Sanguine on the bay (but with no guarantee about jimps). Wheels have started turning in my head and my mind went back to all those crazy things I have seen Seraphim do. The light bulb went off and I realized that a Shavette has no temper to ruin, and I could probably screw around with it without completely destroying it.

Now I have the urge to get a Sanguine, break out the Dremel, and flog it like a red headed step child. I've already got more projects than solutions/time. What's wrong with me? I want to work a shavette.

The jimps on the Sanguine are very shallow; not much of a consideration. I have one with, one without and can't tell a difference.
Is it normal? Well guess it depends on how you define normal. If you mean normal in relation to the community here at B&B and other shaving forums, such thoughts are not abnormal.
So, there is in fact something wrong with me, but asking if there is something wrong with me here is like asking if the other folks at an AA meeting have a drinking problem.

Got it. I've got a problem. Oh well there are worse things.
So, there is in fact something wrong with me, but asking if there is something wrong with me here is like asking if the other folks at an AA meeting have a drinking problem.

Got it. I've got a problem. Oh well there are worse things.

Yes, yes it is a lot like that. Face it, we all have issues. :biggrin:
I think it's a pretty normal urge in that you're not weird for wanting to do it, although you might be the first one. I know a lot of the time Shavettes get a bad rep, but I find having one around really helpful (and it's not like it costs much to add one). Plus, there's something really nice about being able to pick up a straight and shave with the edge of a Feather (Or insert other favourite DE blade brand).
I think it's a pretty normal urge in that you're not weird for wanting to do it, although you might be the first one. I know a lot of the time Shavettes get a bad rep, but I find having one around really helpful (and it's not like it costs much to add one). Plus, there's something really nice about being able to pick up a straight and shave with the edge of a Feather (Or insert other favourite DE blade brand).

TBH I'm not sure how much time it would get in my rotation other than for the novelty of it, but one of these days I'll have to take a trip somewhere, or spend the night. I like to have the option of taking a "straight" without having to pack a strop. Plus as an added benefit these things are airport security friendly provided they aren't loaded with blades. When I want it for these things, I will want to have used it a few times before, and I might want it last minute. For as cheap as it is you're right, they are incredibly useful to have around.
Ehh, I wasn't a fan of the blade holding mechanism on the shavette, and the AC is way outside my price range.

My sanguine is pretty cheaply made, could do with some new scales.
I don't exactly know if it is chrome plated, or actual stainless steel.
I may try a few mods myself, and I won't miss it if something goes wrong.:tongue_sm
You want to add jimps to a disposable straight?

So, what? Knock yourself out!!

You'll enjoy the heck out of it. It might even turn into a business adventure.

Just buy a Double Arrow.

It's as cheap as a Shavette, and it's a real straight.

And you can dremel them too!:001_rolle

You mean you've never wanted to dremel a shavette?? You put thumb notches on everything, even thumb notches!

That said you have a good point. There is little point in taking the time to modify something I won't use very often. I still kind of want to do it, but I've cooled down on the idea of using a shavette now and I think I'll just do it right and pack a travel strop when the time comes.
See if you can find a checkering file used by gunsmiths. The metal used in the shavettes is likely soft and easily worked. The checkering file would give a very clean and even result. You could also use a triangular needle file which would be slower but, cheaper.
I say go for it, but then i would do because I did a similar thing :biggrin:


I think you've seen it before because you posted a reply on the thread, but if you have another look, you'll see that I also modified the 'blade' too, by grinding away the 'hump back'.

I think a shavette certainly has its place in the straight shaver's arsenal, and I think it's perfectly reasonable to customise one to your liking, as they are either cheaply made or ridiculously expensive.
The Sanguine is an ideal candidate because the actual metal parts are very well made and are just begging for a bit of modification and a nicer set of scales.
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