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Is there a "Cold Water Shave" group yet?

Good Ladies and Gentlemen,

First I would like to thank the founders of this site and all of those who have replied to a post and answered questions with fact, fiction, myth, humor and most of all sincerity. This forum and those who actively participate have made my transition from cartridge shaving an educated and pleasurable journey. Thank you all.

My latest B&B inspired experimentation has been with cold water shaves. I have been shaving everyday for about a week and a half with cold water exclusively. I personally think it helps with the irritation on my neck and the articles and threads seem to support the theory. When I, or some other person mentions CWS there seems to be a lot of us who claim they are exclusive CWShavers. So I was wondering if there was enough interest to actually form a group here and title it *um* Cold Water Shavers. Just throwing it out there. If there is already a group that I missed then I apologize. Good shaves to you!

I haven't seen one.

The biggest problem with these social groups is keeping them active. At one time there was a social group for Progress Razors, Proraso, Merkur Razors, among others, all of which died off when people stopped posting there.
I haven't seen one.

The biggest problem with these social groups is keeping them active. At one time there was a social group for Progress Razors, Proraso, Merkur Razors, among others, all of which died off when people stopped posting there.

Ah. I understand. Thank you.
I haven't seen one.

The biggest problem with these social groups is keeping them active. At one time there was a social group for Progress Razors, Proraso, Merkur Razors, among others, all of which died off when people stopped posting there.

I agree with Jim. Theres even popular members with extensive razor knowledge that even quit for no reason. We respect their choice to quit, but it makes me wonder why. Same theory applies with some social groups............you can always start a Cold Wet shave thread. Kinda like the BOTOC thread, Brotherhood Of The Open Comb(Social group reviews open Comb razors) or my threads http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/300217-Joris-Fatip-lovers-reviews-and-pics-thread!

Joris/Fatip lovers reviews and pics thread!



Who can name movies or TV shows that have d/e shaving scenes.

4 Last Day on Earth, 2011 film, Willem Dafoe shaves using a De (Slim?)
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CWS for life (or at least while it's hot)! CWS is so refreshing. CWS is so soothing. CWS keeps my brushes cleaner (not proven yet). CWS saves money on the gas bill!
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Yeah they meet weekly in a mental institution.

Funfact: I tried to find a good picture of a mental institution but I got a lot of very disturbing pictures instead. D:
I haven't seen one.

The biggest problem with these social groups is keeping them active. At one time there was a social group for Progress Razors, Proraso, Merkur Razors, among others, all of which died off when people stopped posting there.

Yeah. I just noticed the face latherer's group is now gone. That lasted, what, a couple of months if that?

Cold water shaver here for what it's worth.
If you want a cold water shave group then go ahead and start one. Just be sure to post in it once a month so that it doesn't automagically disappear.
Cold water in summer

Warm water in winter.

I am a switch hitter when it comes to this.

It is getting close to the time to break out the scuttles once again Whoo Hoo....

Where I live, we get two months of "cold" weather, six months of hot weather, with spring and fall taking hits for 2-3 weeks shorter duration, so I should be using cold most of the time, but I just use the same "warm" year-round . . what we think of here as being "cold" really isn't unbearable, but I was spoiled in my rawest youth, living in California's East Bay area, where neither summer nor winter was particularly extreme.
I CWS in Spring and Summer. By winter I usually go back to warm water shaves, maybe I'll try it year round this time.
How does cold water shaving affect the quality of the shave? I think if this is addressed other members would be more enlightened.
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