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Is Prorasic Pre/Post considered an aftershave?

I plan on using Proraso Pre/Post because I've read nothing but praise for it. But is it considered an aftershave as well or do I still need to apply that after the "Post"?

Is a balm or aftershave preferred for senstive skin? (assuming these are both for the final step & you choose one or the other?)

I should say I am really going to try to go the mile when shaving to keep good skin, going to use Proraso Pre/Post & a high quality cream like TOBS. I will then use an after shave if needed/required (which I normally don't now & is probably another problem of mine)
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It's an aftershave, and a fine one. I prefer to use during cooler months.

As a pre-shave? Not so much...

Hmm that's a bit disappointing the Proraso Pre/Post isn't much of a Pre.

Is there a better Pre/Post out there?

As mentioned ill be using TOBS as my shaving cream it it makes the Pre any better?
Hmm that's a bit disappointing the Proraso Pre/Post isn't much of a Pre.

Is there a better Pre/Post out there?

As mentioned ill be using TOBS as my shaving cream it it makes the Pre any better?

Best pre-shave I know is to wash your face twice before shaving over a 4+ minute period with a glycerin-based face soap, and leave the soap on the second time while you lather your brush. Hydration is the key all the time.
I hope somebody can clear something up for me. The only jar of this stuff I've ever had, which I purchased nearly 5 years ago, was labeled as "Pre Shave" only, with no mention of post-shave anywhere on the label or the packaging. It was clear that Proraso, for whatever reason, had chosen to market it exclusively as a "Pre-Shave". I realize that it has been used by many as a post-shave product, and if memory serves, at one time packaging referred to it as both a pre and post-shave product.

My question is, since the reformulation, how is it now labeled - as pre-shave only or both pre and post-shave?

For the record, I found it to be absolutely fantastic when used as a pre-shave, intensifying the menthol effect and giving a much smoother shave. For me, it was far too thick and non-absorbing to be used as a post-shave.
Welcome to B&B; enjoy the forum and the shaves. I always use it as a pre shave, and I'll use it as an aftershave in the fall/winter. Just a dab as a post shave treatment; I'm liberal using it pre-shave. It really softens the whiskers. I've had barber cut throats where more Proraso pre shave is used than shave lather during the process.
I find it works great as both pre and post. It's the only pre-shave I use. If you use it as a post shave, rub it into your skin well, rinse off with hot water, then splash with cold water. Feels awesome!!
If you leave it on your skin post shave it'll leave a white residue.
Well I ordered some of this today.

I'm going to give it a to as a Pre & Post.

So I don't need any type of balm then? This is the balm?

It seals the pores correct? I want to make sure I start doin that to help with my razor burn.
It depends on your face. When I use it, I use Osage Rub afterward. I need that aftershave sting you know? ;) If your face feel dry afterward then a balm would help. I have found that Thayers Lemon Witch Hazel brings a little moisture back to face if it feels too dry. Also, Corn Huskers Lotion works freakin great as a balm. Only like 4$ I think and you can find it in most stores.
So is Proraso pre/post considered more of a balm after shave since it's more of a lotion vs a liquid? I suppose it's in a category all of it's one, just trying to figure out the differences in the difference aftershaves to see which is best for me.

Still debating whether I want/need to throw witch hazel in at the end, but not sure of the smells to say if I want to yet.

I received my Proraso Pre today, only mentions on the jar it's a Pre, nothing about post?

I bought the 3.6 glass jar of eucalyptus & menthol - did I get correct one that is both Pre AND Post?
So is Proraso pre/post considered more of a balm after shave since it's more of a lotion vs a liquid? I suppose it's in a category all of it's one, just trying to figure out the differences in the difference aftershaves to see which is best for me.

Still debating whether I want/need to throw witch hazel in at the end, but not sure of the smells to say if I want to yet.

I received my Proraso Pre today, only mentions on the jar it's a Pre, nothing about post?

I bought the 3.6 glass jar of eucalyptus & menthol - did I get correct one that is both Pre AND Post?

I guess that answers the question I asked above; it is still labeled only as a PRE-shave, and to answer your question, yes you got the correct one. Like I said, the one I bought about 5 years ago was labeled only as a PRE-shave. While many people apparently use it as a POST-shave, Proraso now markets it as a PRE-shave only.
Probably because they market a few post shave items too! Wouldn't want someone to buy just the pure post when they could buy both a preshave aaaaand a AS AND a balm!
Probably because they market a few post shave items too! Wouldn't want someone to buy just the pure post when they could buy both a preshave aaaaand a AS AND a balm!

I should mention that the box did have a post shave instructions, just not on the jar itself I guess.

This is a pretty nice product if it covers Pre and is also an aftershave/balm.

I used it for the first time tonight right out of the shower and I think my face was too wet as it seemed to run a lot instead of going on and coating your face like a cream.
I should mention that the box did have a post shave instructions, just not on the jar itself I guess.

This is a pretty nice product if it covers Pre and is also an aftershave/balm.

I used it for the first time tonight right out of the shower and I think my face was too wet as it seemed to run a lot instead of going on and coating your face like a cream.

It shouldn't be runny at all. Take a little dab on your fingertips (a little goes a long way) and work it thoroughly into your damp face and neck. If it is runny, then your face is too wet or you haven't spent enough time working it in. Then you are ready to apply your lather and have a nice shave.
I have used the product for several years, and only recently figured out how to maximize the performance.
In the past I applied liberally pre-shave, and would use sparingly post-shave if there was a bit of a burn.
But by accident, I found out the following: Apply liberally before the shave. Then soak a wash cloth in the hottest water you can find, and place over your face. Lay back and enjoy the menthol vapors as they rise from your face. As soon as the washcloth starts to cool, get up and whip up a bowl of lather and shave as usual. No friction whatsoever.
Plan for an extra five minutes in your morning routine. It is well worth the effort!
Best pre-shave I know is to wash your face twice before shaving over a 4+ minute period with a glycerin-based face soap, and leave the soap on the second time while you lather your brush. Hydration is the key all the time.

I often do something similar, and a bit decadent in terms of time ... I use the Musgo Glycerin preshave soap, latehr it up good on my face, then go lie down on my bed with a hot towel on top of the Musgo. Leaves the face hydrated and ready for the shave. Oh, and just as with the previous poster I do the same exact thing with Proraso Pre instead of the Musgo.

By the way, I think that what used to be called Proraso's Pre/Post is now just called Pre Barba and they make after shave balms and splashes. I also think I read somewhere that the Pre Barba is the same as what used to be called Pre/Post. Maybe someone here can verify, or correct this.
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It seals the pores correct? I want to make sure I start doin that to help with my razor burn.

I don't know much about sealing pores but you shouldn't be getting razor burn. If you do you should adjust your technique and/or limit the number of shaves you're getting out of a razor. No pressure technique...
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