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Taking Care of Your Face/Skin Daily & Pre/During/Post Shave

Taking Care of Your Face/Skin Daily & Pre/During/Post Shave

I see a ton of focus here naturally on the tool, software and equipment used in our great world of traditional wet shaving.
Let us know how you are doing, not just for skin care but also pre-shave, during the shave and post shave to take care of your face.

As with any YMMV, it still takes sometime and effort to find out what works best for you. There a so many variables here.
I believe if we gather a collective examples of we are doing, it may a great guide or motivation for others.

"Your skin is a reflection of your life's journey. Honor it, cherish it, and always treat it with care."
"Aging is a fact of life. Looking your age is not."

“Good skin comes to those who are ready to embrace it by being consistent and cautious about taking care of it.” “Good things take time, but good skin comes right after the minute you decide to take care of it.” “Having great skin is no miracle, but rather a commitment.”

Have fun and if you would like to please share with us what you do...

In the morning, I start by washing my face with lukewarm water, finishing with cold water to wake me up. The plunges into the deep cold stop the world around me for a few seconds. I am alone—truly alone. I like this.
If I am heading outside, I'll apply sunscreen every day and reapply as needed throughout the day. Skin cancer and wrinkles are the same; you will be judged for both, but I will not be judged.
In the winter, when the cold hits, I use a cream with 70% high fat content before going out. I do not approve of dry skin; I don’t like the way people look at me if my skin is dry.
In the evening, I wash my face with warm water. I change my bed linens and pillowcases every week. I like everything to be clean; it reflects who I am. I am no different from the things I own.

I shave every other day. My shaving routine varies somewhat each time — different pre-shave products, different razors, different blades, and different soaps or creams. I like consistency, but I also enjoy having control over changes in my daily life. I like control. It makes me feel like I am more than just an empty shell.

However, the start and ending of my routine are always the same. I begin by either taking a hot shower — I’ve set my water temperature very high in my house. It’s almost painful, it makes me feel something — or by using a hot 100% premium Turkish cotton towel. I like the way it feels on my skin; I need this. I've tried every type of cotton, and this is the best. The towel and I are one.

Afterward, I wash my face with cold water and dry it thoroughly. My skin has to be completely dry; this is very important to me. I have no need for aftershave or lotions. I have honed the perfect technique and skill; my razor and skin meet in perfect balance. I have to feel clean afterward, so I'll take a cold shower and dry my skin with a hair dryer set to cold air.

I am more than the things around me, but I still have to blend in.
Less is more. I stopped daily washing my face with soap and I dropped the 38 pass shave mantra. It’s 1 or 2. A good fragrance free moisturizer (cerave) after shave and it’s done.

Once you see and feel what a healthy and not over exfoliated skin is like you can never go back.

Believe me, there’s people out there with damaged skin barriers and don’t even realize it (I was one of them). It must be normal for the aftershave to burn right?

Once you have zero sting you know your skin barrier is preserved like it should be.


I shaved the pig
Healthy lifestyle choices, good nutrition and hydration work wonders for healthy skin.For shaving I have settled on using a straight razor and good quality soaps. I’m a minimalist here, no pre or post routine and a single pass daily works for me. Sun protection is something I‘ve only just started to pracrice.
I am of the less is more school of thought. Balms or creams do my skin no favours so my routine is pretty simple:

Hot flannel or quick wash with soap. Face lather with a soft brush. 2 pass shave (WTG & XTG). Rinse face and pat dry. Splash a dab of alcohol based aftershave to the sides of my face and neck. Job done.
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