Seems like the vast majority of the time I grab a soap I can't help but put a tiny amount of that little "something" in with it to really kick it up. For whatever reason, and it just dawned on me. The only thing I do it with is C.O. Bigelow. I have some samplers from Trumpers still sitting in my cabinet plus a tube of GFT from them and I have yet to concoct anything with them. But for whatever reason it seems whenever I add that tiny bit (I use literally a pea sized about almost always) the lather seems to turn into this thick luxurious lather. I really enjoy a soap or cream on their own occasionally but I seem to often wind up with a kind of film near the handles on the base of my brushes when using a cream. And the lathers I get from soap, while nice lathers, don't seem to thicken up like the creams do so I enjoy the best of both worlds doing a super. Anyone else here an avid superlather fan?
Oh the actual question I was talking about in the title was: Does anyone make an unscented cream? My only gripe, if you can call it that, with a superlather is that some soaps I really want to keep the smell of rather than have it mix or become overpowered by a cream. C.O seems to kind of dominate any soap I add it to. I was hoping something unscented would give me the lather I like from making a superlather AND allow me to enjoy some of the soaps I also have.
Oh the actual question I was talking about in the title was: Does anyone make an unscented cream? My only gripe, if you can call it that, with a superlather is that some soaps I really want to keep the smell of rather than have it mix or become overpowered by a cream. C.O seems to kind of dominate any soap I add it to. I was hoping something unscented would give me the lather I like from making a superlather AND allow me to enjoy some of the soaps I also have.