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Introducing.... the Utilikilt!

I own and wear one of these in black. :biggrin: They're very comfortable outdoors or indoors at work but they can be a bit of a pain when it comes to keeping the pleats in the back looking nice.
Great commercial on their website!

I wonder how many people actually believe that women like to stare up at an overweight maintenance man's hairy sweaty crack.
I hate to tell you but I know lots of guys that wear these and they're incredibly sexy. When Tinzien wears his I have a very nice day. I even know women who wear pins that say "kilt checker" ;) cause you know your not supposed to wear any....well you know. Slainte gents
Btw, for the record, those utility ones apparently incorporate a protection of one's privacy while on ladders, in contrast to traditional kilts.....
I can see the morning to do list already....

1. Shower and shave face
2. Shave legs
3. Put on manly workboots
4. Put on utilikilt
5. Pray for no strong gusts of wind.

I wish I could get this image of a really butch Marilyn Monroe (you know the one, where her dress is blowing up) w/ Utilikilt out of my head... :eek:
I'd rather show up to work wearing the family tartan than black. Besides, who needs pockets when you can have one of those fancy scotch man purses.

Asking the wife for one now :)

Two guys in my office are into the SGA stuff so they show up to work wearing plate armor bits all the time. I don't think anyone would bat an eye at me wearing it.

Score! :biggrin:

I'd rather show up to work wearing the family tartan than black. Besides, who needs pockets when you can have one of those fancy scotch man purses.

If you had the man-purse and pockets there'd be no end to the crap you could store on your person. :biggrin:
Sporran my friends its called a sporran, originally created to hide any embarrassing situations that " arose" if you get my drift. They are a nice pocket and very pretty..err I mean manly. Sometimes they have silver caps or even animal hair for decoration.Could it be.....badger hair?
I can see the morning to do list already....

1. Shower and shave face
2. Shave legs
3. Put on manly workboots
4. Put on utilikilt
5. Pray for no strong gusts of wind.


I have a large, ornate kilt pin that I attach to part of the kilt "flap" and it helps keep the wind from doing much more than chilling my knees. :biggrin:
Sporran my friends its called a sporran, originally created to hide any embarrassing situations that " arose" if you get my drift. They are a nice pocket and very pretty..err I mean manly. Sometimes they have silver caps or even animal hair for decoration.Could it be.....badger hair?

I have a large, ornate kilt pin that I attach to part of the kilt "flap" and it helps keep the wind from doing much more than chilling my knees. :biggrin:

Two things I always wondered about kilts but was scared to ask. :biggrin:

I wonder if the addition of fur was a way of advertising, though...
Btw, for the record, those utility ones apparently incorporate a protection of one's privacy while on ladders, in contrast to traditional kilts.....

Negative. I've got no more protection than when I'm wearing my traditional hand-pleated great kilt at Faire. :blushing:
Two things I always wondered about kilts but was scared to ask. :biggrin:

I wonder if the addition of fur was a way of advertising, though...

Perhaps, but it's probably is just a way to gussy up the outfit much like a traditional shirt and tie ensemble can be punched up with the right set of cuff-links or tie clip.

My regular sporran is a engraved leather pouch that does not have fur trim, but it is comfortable and I really don't notice the sporran being there even when I have a wallet and keys in the bag.

Personally the part that I like the most about my kilt outfit are the socks (hose) which are super comfortable and warm because I can add the tartan flashes (the little flag things) for a bit more bling effect.
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