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Ingram Blue Label

In the past I've seen a number of threads where guys have complained about their Ingram Blue label separating on them and becoming a runny, unshavable mess. None of my tubes have ever done this and I think I've figured out why. The other day a parcel was returned to me from Georgia by USPS. It only took a month so I guess I should be impressed. It contained two Ingram Blues and one Ingram Green. The box was not warm but hot to the touch. I honestly think they tied it to the muffler. Anyway the two tubes of Ingram Blue literally poured out of their openings when I removed the caps. The Ingram Green was not affected. I think the reason that the Green wasn't affected is due to its different formulation. So the lesson here is to keep your creams especially ones that are prone to dissolution from extremes of heat lest they die. Since I keep all of my tubes in a cool room that is why I have never observed this with the Ingram but I just thought I would pass that on.
That could very well be a reason. Though in my case, my "runny" tube was bought at a store in London, so there was no shipping.
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