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In your opinion what's the best inexpensive shave soap?

Arko. Without a doubt. It amazes me at how much lather I get out of a $2 shave stick mashed into a bowl. Love it!
So anybody who's noticed my post history won't be surprised at my answer here. I like the Cade soap from L'Occitane. Whether or not it qualifies as inexpensive is up for debate at $12 for a soap. I'd say it's certainly less than a lot of the other premium soaps out there (AOS comes to mind), but pretty much any other product from L'Occitane is going to be way up there in the price category.
If you are looking at just simply cost then you really should go with Arko or Williams. However if you are looking at best overall value of a soap then I would suggest there are other soaps that you may get more bang for your buck. I've recently been turned on to St. Charles soaps. Great leather (I would say on part with Tabac), easy to lather, great scents (I've been thoroughly enjoying their pumpkin soap recently) and at less than $10 for a puck it's a pretty good price. Correct me if I'm wrong gents but I believe you can get one for about $7. Top notch soap for a VERY reasonable price.
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Tabac and MWF should last a lot more the 3-4 months unless you are 3017er and just trying to see how fast you can get through it. Tabac should last around a year for most people and MWF around 6-8 months. There was a cost per shave post around where someone showed Tabac to be about the cheapest per shave.
I consider myself a moderate loader and both were gone in 4 months.
Van Der Hagen Delux. One of my go-toos in in a crunch. Does not tollerate hard water well tho. Not a problem for me at home as we have pretty good water here, but when I've traveled I've had to resort to canned goo because of it.
I don't get caught up with the cost of shave soaps/creams, they last so long it seems a ridiculous preoccupation. Would I rather have 1 jar of MdC or 30 sticks of Arko? MdC all day everyday.
I don't get caught up with the cost of shave soaps/creams, they last so long it seems a ridiculous preoccupation. Would I rather have 1 jar of MdC or 30 sticks of Arko? MdC all day everyday.

Well 30 sticks are Arko are going to last about as long as 3 jars of MdC and I don't consider MdC to be my favourite soaps. Since getting it I've use Williams and Arko more times than my MdC so I guess I'll go with the Arko or Cella brick.

Unless of course you just want to have a great scent then MdC is the way to go hands down.
My rotation includes Tabac,MWF, Il Coloniali, Speick Stick, La toja, VDH Luxury,edjberg,haslinger and the inexpensive (.75 euro) palmolive stick. The performance of the palmolive is excellent. Vdh luxury and the Speick are also very good and not expensive. In Europe I purchased the tabac pucks at 7 euro. That is quite a good deal for awesome performance.
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