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In praise of Yardley Almond and Oatmeal soap

I have severe dry skin along my sock line, many nights I wake up in agony wanting to scratch.
I used to have to apply vaseline after showering, nothing else would alleviate the misery.
Since using Yardley Almond and oatmeal soap from DG at 1 buck a bar I no longer have to do anything, a true miracle in my eyes.
I intend to stock up on this Product, it works for dry skin! Seriously.
I just started using Yardley this winter after they had a 4 for $3 deal, I've noticed that my legs haven't been itching at all this year. Usually they'd be scratched to deuces by now. Not only that, but the bar is much denser than the usual Dial or Ivory I use, so the added price is made up for by longevity.

Wish they made shaving soap still.
I am at the other end of the spectrum with an oily complexion. I use the Almond and Oatmeal soap because its exfoliating quality is just right for me and it rinses clean. It's a great bargain at $1 a bar at Dollar General. The Lavender is a bit much for my skin but all the girls in the house (including SWMBO) like it a lot.
I like the Yardley soaps pretty well.

However, they are bested considerably by the Hugo Naturals soaps. They carried these soaps at my local grocery store for a long time but I never bought one because of the price tag (about six bucks a bar).

One day I went in there and they were listed at half price. I bought two of them. I have finished one and am about a third of the way through the second. My only regret is that I didn't buy about 20 of them instead of just two. These are absolutely wonderful soaps.

They sell that at Whole Foods, so if you have one near your house you could check them out. My first bar was Spearmint, which was very nice. Current bar is Mexican Lime and Bergamot, which is even nicer. The lather is amazing. Looks and feels like a shaving lather. All the ingredients are natural. Very moisturizing.
I have been using the Yardley lavender and Yardley cucumber soaps this winter. They are a great bar soap, and they smell great.
I picked up a bar of fresh aloe with cucumber essence and a bar of oatmeal & almond together for three dollars and change. As soon as i'm done with the Bronner's almond bar I'm currently using, I'm giving Yardley's a go. Anyone know how Yardley's compares to Bronner's? I've found the Bronner's bar to be a little drying.
I preface this by saying it is probably a dumb question. But has anyone ever tried to make a lather out of this?
I tried the Aloe Cucumber flavor in the shower with a pouf. Good, but I like triple milled French soaps made out of saponified vegetable oils and Shea butter, like Pre de Provence and L'Epi de Provence, a lot better. They feel a lot cleaner to me and smell more natural.

The Yardley, while perfectly good, left me with the feeling of a thin film of petrolatum on my skin after the shower. It moisturized but felt too filmy. I could see how this could be a blessing, however, if you have really dry skin.

Also, while the scent is nice, it's a bit heavy and artificial compared to the French soaps.

After a while I moved it to my kitchen and absolutely love it as a hand soap. Well worth trying.
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I tried the aloe with cucumber essence today and it was great. very nice scent and didn't dry out my body. I'll definitely continue to buy this stuff. :thumbup:
See what the prices are at your local Walgreens. I saw three bars of the almond and oatmeal variety available for $2 today and thought of this post.
I use either their lavender or oatmeal and almond. I am completely off liquid soaps in our house (can't avoid out in public) and I've noticed my hands are not as dry this winter as years past. I'm trying to get my wife off the liquid soaps but she refuses. So..on our bathroom counter there is the pump for her and a bar of Yardlee for me.
It is the best bath soap I have found for the money. :thumbup:

+1. I'm sure if I was willing to spend 5-10 times as much, I could find a soap as nice or maybe nicer. But why? The local dollars store charges, well, a dollar a bar. My wife likes it. All in all, it's a deal.
Thanks gents for posting on this wonderful soap. Just bought some last night and used it this AM. WOW what a difference in using a real true wash cloth and a bar of soap over the plastic scrunch ball and shower gel. It left my skin feeling much more soft and moisturized. I think I talked the wife into giving it a shot, along with replacing all the pump action soap dispensers we have around the house and leaving a bar of soap instead! And for a buck you just can't beat it :w00t:
I saw this at my local CVS and didn't buy it, maybe I should try it now (after I work the other 10 soaps I have in my den).
I stopped by CVS yesterday also and bought a bar. It was on sale for a dollar, I know I should've bought more but if I like it I will
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