So, I loved my Muhle Silvertip Fibre brush, but I hated the handle. Being the resourceful guy that I am, I thought to myself, "Hey self, why don't you just get a knot from Muhle and put it into a handle that you love?" And off I went. Except that it took an age just to get an order on the books with Muhle. So, being the impatient guy that I am, I thought to myself, "Hey self, you've steamed knots out of other brushes, why don't you just steam this one out too and put it in that beautiful empty handle?" And off I went.
After I got it in and set the loft within .5mm of where the original was, I noticed that the crown of the brush seemed narrower, and the brush didn't feel as full when I grabbed all of the bristles. Then I used it. The handle felt great, as I knew it would. But the knot felt different. The magic was gone. It didn't splay right, it didn't whip rich luxurious lather like it used to, and it just didn't feel right.
I'm wondering if steaming the knot out of the original handle had a detrimental effect on the bristles. The hole in the brush is within .25mm of the original (a little bigger) so I know it isn't restricting the bristles. When I fan out the bristles, I see that many of them still have some "wave" to them, but it doesn't look like the close-up pictures you may have seen. I'm thinking of ripping this one out and ordering the new one, but if there is any way the handle is the cause, I don't want to ruin another knot in the process. Any corroboration with my suspicions, or contrary but helpful alternative explanations would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. If anyone knows how to get two-part shafting epoxy (for golf clubs) to loosen up without a blow torch, that would be helpful too.
After I got it in and set the loft within .5mm of where the original was, I noticed that the crown of the brush seemed narrower, and the brush didn't feel as full when I grabbed all of the bristles. Then I used it. The handle felt great, as I knew it would. But the knot felt different. The magic was gone. It didn't splay right, it didn't whip rich luxurious lather like it used to, and it just didn't feel right.
I'm wondering if steaming the knot out of the original handle had a detrimental effect on the bristles. The hole in the brush is within .25mm of the original (a little bigger) so I know it isn't restricting the bristles. When I fan out the bristles, I see that many of them still have some "wave" to them, but it doesn't look like the close-up pictures you may have seen. I'm thinking of ripping this one out and ordering the new one, but if there is any way the handle is the cause, I don't want to ruin another knot in the process. Any corroboration with my suspicions, or contrary but helpful alternative explanations would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. If anyone knows how to get two-part shafting epoxy (for golf clubs) to loosen up without a blow torch, that would be helpful too.