Hey All,
So, I just got my Ikon slant in the other day ! Fun Times ! Last night was the first chance that I got to use it, and as of right now I am not that impressed. I am going to give it another few weeks to get used to it, and hopefully change my mind. I have been wet shaving for about 4 months now, I do my full head. My first razor was the Futur, and I feel that it is a very aggressive razor. I have it set on a 5, and love it. BUT back to the ikon Slant.
First impressions are that it is a well built item, everything fits into place nice. This is my first three piece DE. I have been hearing all these comments that it is a very aggressive DE, you need to use negative pressure of you will bleed. Reading those comments made me think that its on par with the aggressiveness of the Futur. I have no problem with that, and it was kinda the reason that I wanted to try it.
So, I take the slant apart, pop in a fresh feather, and close her up. First thoughts when I check out the razor placement is " Hmmm, Where is the blade ! This does not look like my Futur blade Gap! " Looks can be deceiving, so I hold further judgement until the shave.
My Shave Routine as of now
-Hot water on the face/head and let it absorb for a moment or two.
-AOS Sandalwood PreShave Oil - I apply this with a brush and go a little heavy on the oil . ( I am a fan of the thickness. I will also be making my own oil after I run out)
-TOBS Sandalwood Shave Cream - This gets done in two parts Make enough lather for my head, shave then make more for my face.
- After the first round, I re-lather and do a second pass. All passes 1 and 2 are along the grain.
- Hot water towel after the shave
- Old Spice after the Towel.
Let me also mention that I have about 2 or 3 days of growth.
So the shave starts, First up my head. It feels food in the hand, definite a fan of the balance. I make sure to go easy on my first pass, dont feel like bleeding ( am I right ). I start on the right hand side my my ear, then work my way to the left. The first pass is good, no issues. I notice that it is not as aggressive as the Futur, but I chalk that up to my technique and lack of pressure. The second thing that I notice is that I felt that it got clogged. I needed to rinse out after the first pass, not needed with the Futur. The audio feedback I feel is also lacking on the Ikon. There were some spots that I missed on the back of my head, but overall it did a decent job.
After the first 2 or 3 passes, I felt that I could use a little more pressure and did not need to be as careful with the Futur. When shaving with the Futur , especially set to a 5 , one mistake and you have a bleeder. I feel this is more so true when head shaving. Finish up the head, and work my way to my face. The only real issue that I had was under the nose. My Futur is a bit better at getting the hairs on the upper lip.
So overall I am not that impressed. Like I mentioned earlier, I am going to put the cause down to technique. Over the next week or so , I will make this my main razor. Hopefully I can get some better shaves. I am kinda upset that is is not as aggressive as alot of people were saying, even with the feathers. My only other beef is the clogging issue.
I will try to post an update after a week or so.
So here is my question is there an adjustable slant with the aggressiveness of the Futur?
So, I just got my Ikon slant in the other day ! Fun Times ! Last night was the first chance that I got to use it, and as of right now I am not that impressed. I am going to give it another few weeks to get used to it, and hopefully change my mind. I have been wet shaving for about 4 months now, I do my full head. My first razor was the Futur, and I feel that it is a very aggressive razor. I have it set on a 5, and love it. BUT back to the ikon Slant.
First impressions are that it is a well built item, everything fits into place nice. This is my first three piece DE. I have been hearing all these comments that it is a very aggressive DE, you need to use negative pressure of you will bleed. Reading those comments made me think that its on par with the aggressiveness of the Futur. I have no problem with that, and it was kinda the reason that I wanted to try it.
So, I take the slant apart, pop in a fresh feather, and close her up. First thoughts when I check out the razor placement is " Hmmm, Where is the blade ! This does not look like my Futur blade Gap! " Looks can be deceiving, so I hold further judgement until the shave.
My Shave Routine as of now
-Hot water on the face/head and let it absorb for a moment or two.
-AOS Sandalwood PreShave Oil - I apply this with a brush and go a little heavy on the oil . ( I am a fan of the thickness. I will also be making my own oil after I run out)
-TOBS Sandalwood Shave Cream - This gets done in two parts Make enough lather for my head, shave then make more for my face.
- After the first round, I re-lather and do a second pass. All passes 1 and 2 are along the grain.
- Hot water towel after the shave
- Old Spice after the Towel.
Let me also mention that I have about 2 or 3 days of growth.
So the shave starts, First up my head. It feels food in the hand, definite a fan of the balance. I make sure to go easy on my first pass, dont feel like bleeding ( am I right ). I start on the right hand side my my ear, then work my way to the left. The first pass is good, no issues. I notice that it is not as aggressive as the Futur, but I chalk that up to my technique and lack of pressure. The second thing that I notice is that I felt that it got clogged. I needed to rinse out after the first pass, not needed with the Futur. The audio feedback I feel is also lacking on the Ikon. There were some spots that I missed on the back of my head, but overall it did a decent job.
After the first 2 or 3 passes, I felt that I could use a little more pressure and did not need to be as careful with the Futur. When shaving with the Futur , especially set to a 5 , one mistake and you have a bleeder. I feel this is more so true when head shaving. Finish up the head, and work my way to my face. The only real issue that I had was under the nose. My Futur is a bit better at getting the hairs on the upper lip.
So overall I am not that impressed. Like I mentioned earlier, I am going to put the cause down to technique. Over the next week or so , I will make this my main razor. Hopefully I can get some better shaves. I am kinda upset that is is not as aggressive as alot of people were saying, even with the feathers. My only other beef is the clogging issue.
I will try to post an update after a week or so.
So here is my question is there an adjustable slant with the aggressiveness of the Futur?