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I Just Bought a Sensor Excel Razor

And I am actually excited about it. I will first declare my extreme love and loyalty to DE shaving. For me it doesn't get any better than that. But I need something for those times when I just need a quickie shave. Besides the new pro glide I've tried every gillette razor over the years. I remember liking the sensor but like most always bought what was the latest and greatest. I still can't believe they invented a 5 blade razor. I just opened the package and I love everything about the Sensor. No fancy colors or design. Quite old fashioned looking. And really simple. Just the way things used to be. I am really excited to try it tomorrow. I will report back.
I just opened the package and I love everything about the Sensor. No fancy colors or design. Quite old fashioned looking. And really simple. Just the way things used to be.

To me, the Sensor is too new fangled to be old fashioned. But it is a nice cartridge razor.
Really JP? I guess I've seen so much modern crap that this looks old fashioned to me. It actually seems more 70's than 90's to me for some reason. But it is certainly a far cry from the Proglide.
It's kind of like buying a 2010 Mustang. It looks nice and sure is fast but it isn't quite the same thing as owning a 1965 Mustang Convertible.
I first started shaving with a Sensor Excel. I always got good shaves with it, and it seems like every "improvement" from Gillette was just a step down.
I like the sensor excel. I shaved with one for many years. But I honestly don't think I could shave any faster or any better with an excle than I could with a number of DEs. And my shave would be better with DE because it is just as easy and I would certainly change the blade more frequently.
I first started with a Sensor and didn't like it very much. I tried a Wilkinson Sword Protector, and it was even worse. I then bought a Gillette G2 and found it gave a much better shave. I used nothing else until the blades were difficult to come by. The fixed head on the G2 was much better for me; the cushioning on the Sensor and Protector made it very difficult to get a close shave.
I first started with DE razors because cartridges had just come out and Dad wanted to make sure that I could shave with the most common blades. I wasn't allowed to touch that cartridge razor.
I like the Sensor Excel.

I go back and forth in my mind about whether it is really an improvement over the Atra. It SEEMS like it is, at times, but in all honesty I can get just as good a shave with the same amount of effort using the Atra.

Still a pretty good system. I like it much better than anything that came after it.
I purchased a Sensor Excel also last week.
As i noticed, most of Gillette Sensor products are now made in Brazil.
I had some high expectation from that razor but after a shave i saw that it's not for me.
It doesn't shave close enough, even my final ATG pass left me with a lot of stubbles.
I prefer the Mach3 over the Sensor, that's my conclusion.
I like the sensor excel handle, but prefer the sensor cartridges over the sensor excel cartridges. The excel cartridges have these rubber flaps under the blades made for lifting up the hairs and stretching the skin. On occasion I'd end up with ingrowns because the hairs would get cut below the surface of the skin. I attributed this to those rubber flaps. The sensor cartridges don't have that and I get less tugging when I shave.
The Sensor is definitely on my "to try" list. I wouldn't even consider this 2 years ago, but sometimes older is better.

I agree with the OP on the design. Until the Mach3, the razors were designed for men. After they started putting batteries in and designing razors that look like toy cars, everything went downhill very fast...
I started out using Dad's DE, then went on the the Atra. As soon as the Sensor came out, I switched to that and used it until just weeks ago, when I've come back around to DE shaving. But I still have my SensorExcel, and I know I'll use it again.
If I use a mild razor, like a Gillette Tech, I think I can get just as quick a shave as any multi-blade system (and have more fun, too).
I use the regular Sensor for travel, even when I'm not flying. It's a very rare occasion when I'm on the road and I'm not sharing bathroom facilities, so I need quick, easy shaves.
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