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I have created a monster. My job is done here

I'm watching the girlfriends kids while she's at work and her daughter is writing war and peace aka her birthday party list and she sees my fountain pens and asks what are those.

I hand over my Lamy 2000, give her a coles notes run through on writing with a fountain pen and the next thing I hear is "This is cool, I WANT ONE!!" "Can you get me one for my birthday? I can write with pens next year at school."

I will sleep well tonight knowing my job here is done.
Let's hope she doesn't have an affinity for high end pens............... :)

My answer to that is going to be the same when she "needs" a cell phone. When you get a job young lady and can pay your own bills you can buy what you want. Until then.....
Assuming I get her mothers permission does anyone have any suggestions on an inexpensive first pen for a 12 year old? Inexpensive as in my Lamy 2000 is too expensive, at least until we're sure she'll take care of it or won't loose it at school etc. It would have to be either a piston or cartridge fill to reduce the odds of spillage and coloured fingers.
More preppy than metropolitan. We're talking about a 12 year old girl after all, it can't have too much colour in it I learned. I like the idea of disposables though, didn't think of those.


Now half as wise
Although I only raised boys, my impression is that 12 yo girls are more mature than 12 yo boys! Preppy's have a habit of cracking, especially the cap. A pilot 78g or Metropolitan would be more durable.
Assuming I get her mothers permission does anyone have any suggestions on an inexpensive first pen for a 12 year old? Inexpensive as in my Lamy 2000 is too expensive, at least until we're sure she'll take care of it or won't loose it at school etc. It would have to be either a piston or cartridge fill to reduce the odds of spillage and coloured fingers.

If she likes the LAMY, how about a brightly colored LAMY Safari? The bonus to that is you can get a ton of different nibs ( F - 1.8mm calligraphy ). That way, if she still likes FP's 10 years from now, she can get a higher end LAMY and maybe use her nib collection on that! I don't remember all the pens, but I do know that some of the higher end LAMY pens use the same nib as the Safari.

Also, $30 for a decent pen isn't too bad. If that's a bit too much, you could look into a Pelikan Pelikano Jr... http://www.gouletpens.com/Pelikan_Pelikano_Junior_s/986.htm I haven't used one, but they look like a decent starter pen.
If she likes the LAMY, how about a brightly colored LAMY Safari? The bonus to that is you can get a ton of different nibs ( F - 1.8mm calligraphy ).

+1 on the Lamy Safari suggestion, especially in view of the interchangeability of nibs. I would definitely stay away from disposables like the Hero and Preppy. Not only are they not good quality in my opinion, but one of the ideas of a fountain pen is that it is meant to be a keeper.

Also, is your job really done before you have introduced her to some of the classic handwriting styles? Although meant for dip pens and flexible steel nibs, Copperplate and Spencerian can be written with fountain pens as well. If she can responsibly handle a good quality starter pen like the Safari, and if she has the dedication and interest to learn a good writing script, then you could think about a more high end pen..
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