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I have a friend with painful shaves

that wants a recommendationfor a shaving cream.
I don't know as of yet if he uses a brush or is brushless. I am in the process of finding out.

His SWMBO's statement:
He is looking for a shave cream.
He frequently has a lot of pain in his face which makes shaving painful.
I think if a shave cream softened the hair then it would hurt less when shaving.
It sounds like the pre-shave oil could help.

Without too many questions for his SWMBO, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe Kiss My Face? It comes in a pump bottle. It creates superslick lather. I think they make an unscented too if he has allergies.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Depends on what he likes. Do you know if he has a preference for a scent?

I love the TOBS products or GFT but it doesn't need to be high end either...
Maybe Kiss My Face? It comes in a pump bottle. It creates superslick lather. I think they make an unscented too if he has allergies.

This was going to me my suggestion.

You could get him the Kiss My Face unscented and a tube of Proraso/Musgo/Speick.
Give shaving a rest for a few days. Or Skin Food. Or AoS after balm, that always settles my face after a painful shave.
Need to know what he's shaving with now before we can really make any useful suggestions. He may or may not be into using a brush, so I'd check that out before dropping any coin on it.
I have a friend who is addicted to vintage shaving stuff...brushes, soaps, razors...the works. He even has a strop in his bathroom...a STROP!!!

I mean...who has those anymore????

And he actually shaves with a straight razor?!?!?

What a nutcase!

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