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hey fellas

I don't know if I should have posted this in the brush or cream forums. Sorry if it isn't in the right place.

I want to make a kit for a friend of mine. He recently had a second child, making less than his wife, is a stay at home Dad. He's a very stressed, feeling less than a man, stay at home day. I thought he would be a great candidate for a good morning shave.

I have a Gillette SS and a few cream samples (TOBS) to include and my Omega boar brush. I wanted to include creams with it because I think it will be easier for him to whip up a good lather using them. At least, for me, it takes less effort on my part to get good lather using creams.

But I don't seem to be very good as making lather using the boar brush, at least with creams. I used it with soaps starting out and liked it.

Maybe the brush isn't broken in enough? Do you think I need to just pick up a puck of soap to send with the package? Should I consider finding a cheaper badger brush?

Obviously my concern is putting together a kit for him to try wet shaving while spending as little money as I can get away with. I'd rather use what I have laying around. But I don't want to send him a kit that is crap either.
Have you considered a synthetic brush instead. Nothing to break in, soak etc. and most people LOVE them. And he wouldn't "less of a man". Oh, did I mention they are a much better price, cost wise!

(Oh, I see someone beat me to the "post". But we are two great minds)
First of all welcome to B&B! The place where the smoothest folks on the internet hangs out. We are so glad you decided to join us here.

I think it is very kind of you to think of hooking your friend up with some shaving things during his changing times. I second and echo what has been stated in previous posts. Get him a synthetic brush. RazoRock and Yaqi will works just great. For example a RazorRock Plissoft Synthetic. They are very affordable as well.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Welcome to the forum, @Vahala !

I hope your friend that can come to accept that providing the support and environment that nurtures his children and allows his wife to do her job without having to constantly worry for their kids’ care and safety is an invaluable contribution.

Making money isn’t what makes anyone a “man.” Knowing that love is an action and not just a warm feeling and showing that love through thoughtful actions (such as keeping them kids clean, cared for, fed, and taught right from wrong) is what makes a man a man.

That and smoking the same brand of cigarettes as me. Obviously
If your friend doesn't mind pre-owned, I have a few extra brushes. I might even have a soap available. PM me and give me the specifics of what's needed. My niece's husband is a stay at home father. He works hard and is very much a man. He also does hunting videos. I might even have a soap available.
Another reason to get a synthetic brush is the lack of smell. Trying to explain the “barnyard aroma” of a new boar to the uninitiated could be an instant turnoff.

edit…the boar you want to send him is one you have used, so it should not smell anymore.​

The difficulty you have with lathering could be simply due to the water you use. Googling your city water hardness could give you that information(harder the water, harder it is to lather). Does your friend live in the same city?​

I would send him the boar you have and include an inexpensive synthetic too. BTW the common drugstore Wilkinson Sword Synthetic (not the bristle one) is perfectly serviceable.​
Make sure to tell your friend he is doing the right thing raising his children.
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Depending on how quickly you want to give him the kit....the Yaqi Factory Store on Aliexpress often has excellent prices on great brushes that are factory seconds (larger than average glue bump for example) I've gotten two that looked perfect and gave one of them away in a kit.

Cheap and manly? That SS you've already got, a tube of Proraso Red, and Clubman's Virgin Island Bay Rum splash. Throw in one of the Yaqi or RR synthetic brushes and you've got one heck of a kit.

I know someone who's youngest child developed a health issue. She made more and the child preferred dad, so he became a stay at home dad. What he did is get a part time job working at an auto parts store every other weekend. She got to spend some time on mom duty and he got to spend some time away from the house and kids. He could contribute some financially while having social interactions with others.
Great advice above!!

I suggest you also consider getting your friend a shave stick. For me that is the easiest way to generate lather. Just my $.02!
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