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I had to have "The Talk" with one of my students

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
No, not that talk. The talk about how much cologne is appropriate to wear. The kid is 15 and smells like he showered himself in the Holster cologne before the came to class, and could be smelled 30 feet away. Strong scents do not normally bother me, but this was out of control. I've never told someone they stink before, but I had no other choice. Hopefully, for his sake, and the sake of everyone else in the building, he takes my advice to heart.
No, not that talk. The talk about how much cologne is appropriate to wear. The kid is 15 and smells like he showered himself in the Holster cologne before the came to class, and could be smelled 30 feet away. Strong scents do not normally bother me, but this was out of control. I've never told someone they stink before, but I had no other choice. Hopefully, for his sake, and the sake of everyone else in the building, he takes my advice to heart.

I hope you did the right thing, and steered him to Pinaud Clubman Lilac Vegetal! :thumbup:
No, not that talk. The talk about how much cologne is appropriate to wear. The kid is 15 and smells like he showered himself in the Holster cologne before the came to class, and could be smelled 30 feet away. Strong scents do not normally bother me, but this was out of control. I've never told someone they stink before, but I had no other choice. Hopefully, for his sake, and the sake of everyone else in the building, he takes my advice to heart.

Really. I mean, if he wants to reek from 30 ft away, why isn't he using Axe? :confused:

"Boy, your trendy FooFoo juice could curl the nose hair on a lunch lady three clicks away. Take a tip from a wiser man, and stick to a half cup of Lilac Vegetal applied three times daily to every part of the body that can be touched with the left elbow...."

"Boy, your trendy FooFoo juice could curl the nose hair on a lunch lady three clicks away. Take a tip from a wiser man, and stick to a half cup of Lilac Vegetal applied three times daily to every part of the body that can be touched with the left elbow...."

I think you need the term "jackwaggon" in there, but otherwise, :thumbsup:
Lol... reminds me of the pre-dance prep at the summer camp I was a counsellor at.. phew!! The brut!!

At least that was a camp for kids with cancer.. I figured.. meh... let em go wild! What's it going to do..

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
"Boy, your trendy FooFoo juice could curl the nose hair on a lunch lady three clicks away. Take a tip from a wiser man, and stick to a half cup of Lilac Vegetal applied three times daily to every part of the body that can be touched with the left elbow...."

I may not have been so eloquent.
Oh boy.... A guy that I used to work with absolutely bathed in cologne before coming to work too. I have no idea what kind it was, but you could smell it in his cubicle even when he wasn't there. This is the same guy who would sweat in a snow storm. I've literally see him wring his t-shirt out like a mop after a basketball game.

He also kept a bottle of Bod spray (yes the stuff in the Windex looking spray bottle) in his desk to "freshen up" with on hot days (although our building is air conditioned). He stepped in dog poo on the way to work one day, so to remedy the problem he just sprayed Bod all over the bottom of his shoe. After about 5 minutes I would have rather smelled the poo. The Bod literally gave me a migraine.....
We had a coworker who worked a night job before he showed up in the morning. Slept in his car between jobs, so we pounded on the roof as we passed by. He'd come in reeking of whatever cologne he had thinking that it would substitute for a shower.

We also had a female coworker who did the same. We pounded on the roof of her car as well.
I used to be a bike messenger, DAMN some of the guys i worked with could stink by the end of a 9 hour day, rain was the worst.
We had a coworker who worked a night job before he showed up in the morning. Slept in his car between jobs, so we pounded on the roof as we passed by. He'd come in reeking of whatever cologne he had thinking that it would substitute for a shower.

We also had a female coworker who did the same. We pounded on the roof of her car as well.

Where did you work man?:lol:


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There's nothing like Charley Bronson and a bottle of Mandom!!
My wife ended up in the emergency room recently with high blood pressure. The nurse reeked with perfume! Vickie (wife) held her breath the first time the nurse came into the room. The second time the nurse said, "Your vitals look good. But, the monitor says you aren't breathing. Are you OK?" To which the wife admitted she was holding her breath because of the nurse's perfume. The nurse said, "But, I'm not wearing perfume." Then, remembered that a few minutes before another patient had come in reeking from pet odors. When the patient left, during cleanup, the nurse had sprayed Febreze liberally all around the room.

So, if you are wondering, for those short on cash, no! Febreze does not make for a good perfume substitute.
No, not that talk. The talk about how much cologne is appropriate to wear. The kid is 15 and smells like he showered himself in the Holster cologne before the came to class, and could be smelled 30 feet away. Strong scents do not normally bother me, but this was out of control. I've never told someone they stink before, but I had no other choice. Hopefully, for his sake, and the sake of everyone else in the building, he takes my advice to heart.

I think I was that kid at age 15 with Jovan Musk. :lol:
When I was growing up in Houston, my old Junior High School coach, Coach Blanks would always come into the locker room and say to the guys that didn't take showers after gym class "You smell funky now, if you don't shower now, you will smell funky later. But if you put that stuff (aerosol deodorant, like Right Guard) you gonna smell DOUBLY FUNKY,"
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