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I forgot to bring a brush along.

On a recent vacation, I found myself attempting to face lather my La Toja stick with my fingers, while handicapped with some very tepid, hard water. It was functional, but certainly not something I'd want to repeat.

My usual routine is to throw the old Tweezerman in my hard sided Dopp kit, but this time I got distracted while packing and left it on the counter.

I'd like to avoid that in the future. Space is limited, but I'd like a dedicated travel brush that lives in the Dopp. Fire away with suggestions and questions, please.
Go to your local pharmacy with your tweezerman and ask the pharmacist to purchase a vial that it can fit in. Put some holes in the cap and you are ready to go.
I've seen some that come with their own tube. Thought that might be nice, plus it would match the vintage leather Dopp kit.

The idea of relegating this particular Tweeze to travel only duty has merit. It's been used a lot, and it might extend it's usefulness to become semi-retired.

The Wee Scot looks fun.
Vintage blades 2-Band Finest. Good backbone and density with Thater like soft tips. Great little brush for very little money.
Omega 10066 - or the B&B boar, but you might feel worse about losing that. For me, traveling always comes with a side order of losing things.
Custom synthetic! Dries in 2-3 hours in warm weather, or 5-6 in colder weather and you can set the dimensions you want. Great lather monsters.
If you are constantly having to repack your shaving brush I would go with synthetic. If you are able to leave the brush out to fully dry before repacking then find a small brush that suits your tastes. If you are good with a tweezerman, then that is a great way to go as you won't be out a ton of cash if you leave it on the counter on the road.
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