As in the title, I made an accidental discovery due to weird economics. The back story.....changing the thermostst in wife's car and the new one has no gasket. Back to the store to get the gasket. Auto store has a minimum charge on a debit card. I look around for something to buy that gets me to the minimum. Low on "Mother's" I look for more metal polish and grabbed a bottle of "White Diamond". It's a funny looking liquid that separates in the bottle and has to be shaken to homogenize. It runs like water and gets all over everything. I have been a tinkerer and motorcycle enthusiast for many years and have used everything in the book, but this stuff is truly amazing. Shake it up, rub it on and wait about a minute then buff it up. It takes off rust and stains that I have previously only been able to remove with sanding and buffing and the shine is like rouge on a buffing wheel.
These two blades were not in terrible shape, but they both had some staining and a little pitting. My buffer would have removed the pits, but likely ruined the etching. The amazing thing is it only took 5 minutes to do both blades. Here's the before & after.
Dovo before
Dovo after - note the camera's reflection...
Suredge before.....
Suredge after...notice the etching...
Anyway, I am very impressed by this product. Give it a try if you can find it. I bought it at "Advanced Auto Supply".
These two blades were not in terrible shape, but they both had some staining and a little pitting. My buffer would have removed the pits, but likely ruined the etching. The amazing thing is it only took 5 minutes to do both blades. Here's the before & after.
Dovo before

Dovo after - note the camera's reflection...

Suredge before.....

Suredge after...notice the etching...

Anyway, I am very impressed by this product. Give it a try if you can find it. I bought it at "Advanced Auto Supply".