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I don't usually get this excited about a product, but WOW! Pic heavy

As in the title, I made an accidental discovery due to weird economics. The back story.....changing the thermostst in wife's car and the new one has no gasket. Back to the store to get the gasket. Auto store has a minimum charge on a debit card. I look around for something to buy that gets me to the minimum. Low on "Mother's" I look for more metal polish and grabbed a bottle of "White Diamond". It's a funny looking liquid that separates in the bottle and has to be shaken to homogenize. It runs like water and gets all over everything. I have been a tinkerer and motorcycle enthusiast for many years and have used everything in the book, but this stuff is truly amazing. Shake it up, rub it on and wait about a minute then buff it up. It takes off rust and stains that I have previously only been able to remove with sanding and buffing and the shine is like rouge on a buffing wheel.

These two blades were not in terrible shape, but they both had some staining and a little pitting. My buffer would have removed the pits, but likely ruined the etching. The amazing thing is it only took 5 minutes to do both blades. Here's the before & after.
Dovo before

Dovo after - note the camera's reflection...

Suredge before.....

Suredge after...notice the etching...

Anyway, I am very impressed by this product. Give it a try if you can find it. I bought it at "Advanced Auto Supply".
Looks great, sounds easy. What's not to like?
I'm now standing by for the inevitable run on the product causing a doubling in price and general lack of availability everywhere!
I just picked some up today based off this review but I am on vacation right now. I have a Wosty with a Masonic etching Im hoping to use it on but Im gonna try it on some other razors first. Ill let you know how it goes.
Hi Alpster,
Thanks for the tip. You say "Shake it up, rub it on and wait about a minute then buff it up" which I will do but did you mean hand buff or
on a buffing machine?
Used it on a few razors today. First the masonic. I neglected cleaning this razor too much because of the etching but with this polish I was able to clean it up a bit without losing the etching. Definitely shinier now. One razor I've never sanded and this took off a good amount if tarnish. Two more sheffields of which this made them noticeably shinier. Not a mirror finish or anything but definitely an improvement. What shocked me was the simplicity and improvement over mothers. I've used mothers previously on all of these razors and this improved it every time. It was also very simple, shake it, pour it, rub it on till it darkens, wait a minute or two, then remove with clean cloth. Fwiw I didn't use a machine.
Hi Alpster,
Thanks for the tip. You say "Shake it up, rub it on and wait about a minute then buff it up" which I will do but did you mean hand buff or
on a buffing machine?

Nope, I have a 10" bench buffer, but did not use it at all on these two razors. Just follow the directions on the bottle. I ribbed it with medium pressure until the liquid turns dark as per the instructions, let it set for a couple of minutes and buffed it up with a terry towel. That's it.
Got some of this stuff today. Works great, just keep it away from the business edge. Works a treat on brass and aluminum as well
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