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I am a Homebrewer - video

The homebrewing forum I'm a member of (homebrewtalk.com) collaborated on a video as a tribute to the "I am a Craft Brewer" put out by Greg Koch of Stone Brewing.

This is the "homebrewed" version, so the quality isn't as good as Greg's, but I think its great.

Also, for the record, I'm not in it. I just wanted to share it with a wider audience.

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The previous owner of our home was s homebrewer. He was very dedicated to his craft and quite good at it from what I understand. He even continued brewing after his equipment and negligence caused his first house (at the same location) to catch fire and explode. Before anyone panics too much, he wasn't actually brewing at the time. If anyone is interested I'll tell the story.
I also forgot to mention that there is a beer "celebrity" appearnace in the video. Can anyone spot him?

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Pretty good video I'm a member at HBT also, but don't post much.

Encase anyone is interested in what in involved with homebrewing check out www.howtobrew.com. It is the complete first edition for the book How To Brew by John Palmer. It's now in it's 3rd printing so check it out online and then buy the book if homebrewing is something you would be interested in.
The previous owner of our home was s homebrewer. He was very dedicated to his craft and quite good at it from what I understand. He even continued brewing after his equipment and negligence caused his first house (at the same location) to catch fire and explode. Before anyone panics too much, he wasn't actually brewing at the time. If anyone is interested I'll tell the story.

Let's hear it.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I will have a look later at home as youtube is blocked at work. I've been homebrewing for the past 9 years.
I have a cornelius keg system in my garage right now. I have brewed my own beer for years but have just recently tried lagering. I loved your video, but for the life of me, I could not pick out the celeb. What is the name of your forum?
Thanks! I'm not sure who the celbrity brewer was, but I've been brewing on-and-off since 1995. I 'll have a stout ready to keg this weekend, and I'll also be brewing a blueberry wheat beer this weekend.
3:37, Sam Caligione of Dogfish Head Brewing in Delaware. Homebrewer of 3 years. My last batch was a clone of Rogues Hazelnut Brown Nectar. :biggrin:
Three years of homebrewing here. I believe I was born to do it. My last name is Brewer.

Currently bottled are the remains of a batch of summer ale I made up, and a just-coming-ripe Belgian Brown Ale. Tasty goodness!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Just watched it, great vid mate!

My last brew was a Belgian style, triple fermentation based on Chimay!
Let's hear it.

He used to keep all of his brewing equipment in the basement. The basement had an entrance to the outside via cement steps. On those steps he used to keep his 100 lb propane tank he used to fuel his turkey basters for brewing.

One night he was walking into the basement from the outside, down the step, past the 100 lb tank. In his arms was a multi port tap setup w/ manifold and hoses. As he got to his cabinets the hoses snagged and he gave it a good tug. Well, it all came free. What he didn't realize was the hoses were snagged on the propane tank.

What happened next was pure chaos and must have seemed surreal. The tank fell off the steps and the valve got knocked off. The bottle was spinning around and filling the basement w/ propane. He said he contemplated trying to pick the tank up and throw it outside.

Instead, he ran up the steps and yelled to his wife to grab the kids and get out. Their second oldest daughter started going to the door as he and his wife grabbed the two youngest daughters. They all reached the door and the bottle ignited setting off a tremendous explosion. It knocked them all down. He didn't know it at the time, but his oldest daughter was at the front door when the house exploded. She said her hand was on the door knob and suddenly the knob was 6" higher. The explosion blew the house off the frame.

They gathered their wits and made it back to the door. He, his wife and their four daughters all made it outside as there was then a second explosion. That one blew a giant stained glass window from the attic level right out onto the lawn. The house was a total loss as I believe nine of the 13 fire companies called tried to contain the blaze.

Everyone got away unscathed and he said out of the 10 things you'd want to recover they recovered probably nine of them. Within two days he dozed the remainder of the house down and started over. It was determined the pilot light on the hot water heater ignited the propane filling the basement up. The tank he had was an old style tank that did not have the internal safety valve that collapses preventing a leak should the external valve become faulty.

They made out fairly well in the deal as he said he good insurance. He was a contractor so he built the new (our current) house dirt cheap and then sold in the real estate boom. He bought a lot of expensive toys w/ that insurance money. He admits that he was investigated very heavily, but cleared of any wrong doing in the case.

I'm sure the situation was very traumatic for everyone involved. There are a lot of back story speculation theories concerning the fire that I will not post since they were never substantiated and he was cleared of all possible charges.

So there you have it.
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