For the past few months, I've been trying to find time to visit the 8 antique stores in my small hometown. Yesterday, I finally found that time. Here is the small haul from my four hour expedition...

All for about $20.

- Gillette New in gold with a case and a few used Probak blades
- Scuttle with hand painted rose design
- Shulton Old Spice Grand Turk mug with some soap in mug (I scraped the dust/junk off top layer, and cleaned everything around soap. Vintage Old Spice puck perhaps.)
- Gillette Blue Blades (sealed) - One kind shop owner asked if I collected old razors, and when I replied yes, she handed me a 5 pack of Gillette Blue Blades for FREE
- Last (and IMO best) a 7 day pipe rack (with days marked), made in Detroit, MI (looked it up to be sure). It think it might be walnut, and it was on a $5 bargain (I'll say!) shelf.
All for about $20.