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Humble haul from hometown antique stores

For the past few months, I've been trying to find time to visit the 8 antique stores in my small hometown. Yesterday, I finally found that time. Here is the small haul from my four hour expedition...

$2013-01-05 18.46.04 (Medium).jpg$2013-01-05 19.22.36 (Medium).jpg$2013-01-05 18.48.25 (Medium).jpg

  • Gillette New in gold with a case and a few used Probak blades
  • Scuttle with hand painted rose design
  • Shulton Old Spice Grand Turk mug with some soap in mug (I scraped the dust/junk off top layer, and cleaned everything around soap. Vintage Old Spice puck perhaps.)
  • Gillette Blue Blades (sealed) - One kind shop owner asked if I collected old razors, and when I replied yes, she handed me a 5 pack of Gillette Blue Blades for FREE
  • Last (and IMO best) a 7 day pipe rack (with days marked), made in Detroit, MI (looked it up to be sure). It think it might be walnut, and it was on a $5 bargain (I'll say!) shelf.

All for about $20. :)
What a good haul, and a very nice pipe rack! I would definitely have to take up pipesmoking if I acquired something like this.
Thanks for the compliments on the pipe rack. I'm thrilled to have it, even if it is being used the "wrong" way, to hold razors. Due to my experiences growing up near Detroit, and living there for a while, I consider myself a Detroiter, and I love the fact that Detroit is where this rack is from. As far as using it for pipes, I can't pick up the Pipe Acquisition Disorder (PAD). My wife already wants to kill me for my shaving acquisition disorders, but she would probably literally kill me, if smoking anything became a habit.

that's nice, can you post more close up pics of your razor?

I will post some before/after pics of the razor, possibly later tonight. Sorry, it's packed for the drive back home. If I can't get them up tonight, I should be able to post tomorrow morning.
Also, I forgot to mention the kicker- I'm going shave-free until January 30th, which will be my 30th Birthday! So, now I have to sit here and stare at these things... Since requiring a shave to stay clean faced, I have never gone that long without shaving. I may trim my neck hairs, so they don't catch in zippers, but I will pretty much have to stare at this stuff until the end of the month.

P.S.- If anyone has a Gillette D1 1983 Super adjustable or Super Speed, even if just to borrow, I would really love to get a birthday shave on my Golden Birthday (30 on 30). Please PM if you can help me out.
that's nice, can you post more close up pics of your razor?

The first two pictures are before a light clean-up. I scrubbed the razor with a toothbrush and toothpaste. It took enough tarnish to blacken the bristles of the toothbrush, but not the difference isn't very noticeable on the razor. The only things that really seem different are that the greening near the bottom of the handle was cleaned away, and the pits in on the head piece in the fourth pic were bubbled plating before scrubbing. I will likely get this razor replated. On the good side, the teeth are all there, and are all straight. Since these weren't date coded, and I don't have blades, does anyone know any magic trick to dating these?...

$2013-01-06 21.53.32 (Medium).jpg$2013-01-06 21.54.09 (Medium).jpg$2013-01-06 22.00.03 (Medium).jpg$2013-01-06 21.59.43 (Medium).jpg$2013-01-06 21.59.55 (Medium).jpg
looks really nice man.

thanks for the pics. these vintage gillettes never disappoint, there's just something about them that make you want one over most razors

which is ironic, considering most of us are here because we stopped wanting to shave with a gillette.
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That was a trip worth making. Of course, now that you have that pipe rack, you have to buy 6 more razors!

Definitely worth the trip. With regards to the razor, I've got that covered... Unfortunately, SWMBO is way ahead of me, and I'm having a tough time finding a place to use the display piece. Someday, when we have a home with more than one bathroom, I have to make my own den.
Hey, a fellow Detroit razor hunting antique store rat! I actually live in the north burbs (Madison Heights), but spend some time scouring the local antique shops. Interestingly my first DE razor was a long comb new like you've got there that I found at Eastern Market Antiques... although admittedly in worse condition when I rescued it... Not much plating left on it. Awesome shaver though. Nice finds!
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