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The Quaznoid Challenge

I appreciate the effort. I don’t consider what I do or recommend as a challenge; it’s the way I shave and have shaved for 50 years.

There are some misconceptions about my regimen:

1. I shave with bath soap because it works well. And it’s free. The pubic hair comment seems odd and unnecessarily offensive. I’ve never encountered this problem

2. I enjoy my shaves. There is no contradiction between economy and pleasure.

3. I get a better shave from my post-war Ball-handled Tech than my pre-war Fat-handle

4. I didn’t develop my regime for its economy. I developed it because it worked and there wasn’t much available in 1973. I used canned foam for a long time; I had the one razor, a ‘73 SuperSpeed, until 20 years ago or so when I found the Tech in a drawer. Until I discovered B&B those were my razors. I never thought I was missing anything, and the slight case of RAD B&B infected me with didn’t shake my opinion that I wasn’t missing anything with the original two Gillettes. In fact it was the opposite: It confirmed that those two were as good as it gets and there was no need to change anything.

You can shave anyway you want. If you don’t want to do it my way, don’t. But I know what works for me.
Simplicity, moderation, self-control. That’s what I’m after, so I’m drawn to people and comments that lead in that direction. I’ve gone off the rails and gotten overly involved in buying, selling, rebuying after getting into different hobbies and on different forums. Determined to not go that route with razors so the, “Learn to use the Tech, then get rid of everything else.” comment struck a chord. Sounded like something a Zen master would say, showing you that everything you need is already in front of you. I’m getting there. Been going back and forth with pre and post war as well as a piccolo. These two are going to stay for now. The rest will go. Thanks @Quaznoid for the inspiration. 👍🏼


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Simplicity, moderation, self-control. That’s what I’m after, so I’m drawn to people and comments that lead in that direction. I’ve gone off the rails and gotten overly involved in buying, selling, rebuying after getting into different hobbies and on different forums. Determined to not go that route with razors so the, “Learn to use the Tech, then get rid of everything else.” comment struck a chord. Sounded like something a Zen master would say, showing you that everything you need is already in front of you. I’m getting there. Been going back and forth with pre and post war as well as a piccolo. These two are going to stay for now. The rest will go. Thanks Quaznoid for the inspiration. 👍🏼
The 2 things I did to curb those urges early on was: Joined in on the 3017 thread and applied that to my soaps, aftershaves and even razors. Headed up the 2013 Sabbatical and successfully completed it.

The 3017 thread is by far the best thing you can embrace if you want to learn to lather like a champ and stop impulse buying soaps.


Dances with Wolfs
I shave with bath soap because it works well. And it’s free. The pubic hair comment seems odd and unnecessarily offensive. I’ve never encountered this problem
There is no issue shaving with bath soap. The original poster said he shaves with scraps of soap, which I assume he collects from other soap activities other than shaving. If that is the case, there are undoubtedly undesirable things in those soap scraps. No offense intended. Just my opinion, which has been shared by other people on the forum in the past. Shaving with bath soap that has not been used is not a problem in my opinion. It's the use of scraps that kinda makes me gag a little. If you feel otherwise and shave with scraps of soap, or soap that has been used to shower or bathe, we can just agree to disagree like gentlemen.
Very interesting thread! I have settled down considerably since the days of unbridled enthusiasm.
I've settled on my Muhle R89 as my go-to 90% of the time. And I'm back to the canned stuff. It actually
does work well. I have more blades than I'll ever need, and only stick to a few brands - German Wilks, Personna (red pack and lab blues) and some nice vintage Gillette and Schick.

Household bar soap can work, but I put that in the "Yikes!" file. For a couple bucks, a can of cream does better.
I appreciate the OP starting this thread. Not sure there will be many takers as many (if not most) will view it restrictive, but the challenge (message) is thought provoking and many will agree that this hobby involves much trial and error, and there is a tendency to go overboard with purchases – meaning too much, too fast. Yes, I did it upon joining up.

I see no issue having variety in hardware and software if it provides pleasure to an otherwise monotonous chore. But there are others I witnessed (perhaps a minority, and I include myself as well) that seek less variety, simplification, and to quell that pull to continue searching. People are different in this regard, and it is acceptable to be anywhere along the spectrum in terms of how much you possess and how much you seek.

When I started participating in B&B, I tried different razors. I sorted out what I liked and sold most of the others. Soap and brushers were also acquired (too much) and now I look to enjoy them and select few razors I kept by joining the year-long sabbatical. This is one of many paths to take.

Someone once told me in my first post here to “enjoy the journey”. It is your journey.

Best wishes!


Remember to forget me!
Bar soap works fine for me, for the occasional shave. Whether overnighting somewhere, or just a one-off shave for the heck of it, I can still get a good shave with it. I don't tend to use a brush with bar soap either.

I wouldn't want it to be my only option though. I also used to enjoy camping, but I wouldn't want to live in a two man tent. I'd rather have the hardship of paying for for two tubes of Erasmic, for £1.39 each. That's 150 shaves for less than a take away coffee. It's nice to step away from the creature comforts for a short while, but nice to return to them too.
I appreciate the OP starting this thread. Not sure there will be many takers as many (if not most) will view it restrictive, but the challenge (message) is thought provoking and many will agree that this hobby involves much trial and error, and there is a tendency to go overboard with purchases – meaning too much, too fast. Yes, I did it upon joining up.

I see no issue having variety in hardware and software if it provides pleasure to an otherwise monotonous chore. But there are others I witnessed (perhaps a minority, and I include myself as well) that seek less variety, simplification, and to quell that pull to continue searching. People are different in this regard, and it is acceptable to be anywhere along the spectrum in terms of how much you possess and how much you seek.

When I started participating in B&B, I tried different razors. I sorted out what I liked and sold most of the others. Soap and brushers were also acquired (too much) and now I look to enjoy them and select few razors I kept by joining the year-long sabbatical. This is one of many paths to take.

Someone once told me in my first post here to “enjoy the journey”. It is your journey.

Best wishes!
Great post! And believe me, I don’t judge anyone that does it differently, has a different mindset, or wants to collect every razor they can. In fact I love reading those folk’s threads and admiring their collections. It just doesn’t work for my brain. I get too consumed with things. I signed up for the 2024 sabbatical and I’m trying to roll into 2024 with just one or two razors. When am I eligible for a sales thread??!’
Bar soap works fine for me, for the occasional shave. Whether overnighting somewhere, or just a one-off shave for the heck of it, I can still get a good shave with it. I don't tend to use a brush with bar soap either.

I wouldn't want it to be my only option though. I also used to enjoy camping, but I wouldn't want to live in a two man tent. I'd rather have the hardship of paying for for two tubes of Erasmic, for £1.39 each. That's 150 shaves for less than a take away coffee. It's nice to step away from the creature comforts for a short while, but nice to return to them too.
I don’t find it to be a hardship to use bath soap.
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