I'm new to safety razor shaving, but not new to hobbies which have community forums related to them. So, as I got into this, as usual I dove in head first and already have a handful of razors. In an attempt to circumvent the typical long process of buying, selling, rebuying, selling etc, I've been wanting to find something that works for me quickly and try to keep it simple. I've found a few posts by member Quaznoid and decided to go all in and take what I'm calling the Quaznoid challenge. These posts have jumped out to me, but really any posts where I see that someone sticks to one simple shaving setup are the ones that speak to me.
Quaznoid said:
If you want good results and maximum economy:
1. Buy one razor, learn to use it and stick with it. You only need one. A vintage Gillette Tech or SuperSpeed should be available at a flea market, antique shop or on the web for less than $20. A Lord L5 is available on the web for $7. All fantastic razors.
2. There are a lot of brushes out there for under $10.
3. I lather with ordinary bath soap scraps from around the house. It’s free and makes great lather.
4. If you don’t want to lather, there’s no shame in using canned foam. Gillette Foamy or Barbasol are excellent for $1 to $2 per can.
5. You can experiment with many blades or you can buy some Personna Lab Blues which work on the vast majority of faces.
The key to making this work and remaining economical is to keep it simple and stay off Badger & Blade. The posters here will try and convince you that you need more stuff and that that perfect shave is just another purchase away, or that you need to adopt some screwball technique to achieve Nirvana. There is no perfect shave and Nirvana is merely a state of mind. I advise you to acquire a simple kit, learn to use it, and never come back to B&B.
Quaznoid said:
Learn to use the Tech, then get rid of everything else.
So, I'm going to keep my pre-war Tech and I'm going to pass along everything else. Tech, brush, Astra SP blades, and I'll finish this unscented shaving cream I've got. Once the cream is gone, I'll be using leftover bars of soap to lather with. We shall see how long this will last, but for me it will be more beneficial and arguably more fun that just buying more and more stuff. By the way I don't know Quaznoid at all and I'm hoping he doesn't mind me using his handle for this challenge. All in the name of good fun and simplicity.
Below is a photo of my simple kit moving forward as well as the instant small collection I’ve already accumulated that I’ll be sending along.
Quaznoid said:
If you want good results and maximum economy:
1. Buy one razor, learn to use it and stick with it. You only need one. A vintage Gillette Tech or SuperSpeed should be available at a flea market, antique shop or on the web for less than $20. A Lord L5 is available on the web for $7. All fantastic razors.
2. There are a lot of brushes out there for under $10.
3. I lather with ordinary bath soap scraps from around the house. It’s free and makes great lather.
4. If you don’t want to lather, there’s no shame in using canned foam. Gillette Foamy or Barbasol are excellent for $1 to $2 per can.
5. You can experiment with many blades or you can buy some Personna Lab Blues which work on the vast majority of faces.
The key to making this work and remaining economical is to keep it simple and stay off Badger & Blade. The posters here will try and convince you that you need more stuff and that that perfect shave is just another purchase away, or that you need to adopt some screwball technique to achieve Nirvana. There is no perfect shave and Nirvana is merely a state of mind. I advise you to acquire a simple kit, learn to use it, and never come back to B&B.
Quaznoid said:
Learn to use the Tech, then get rid of everything else.
So, I'm going to keep my pre-war Tech and I'm going to pass along everything else. Tech, brush, Astra SP blades, and I'll finish this unscented shaving cream I've got. Once the cream is gone, I'll be using leftover bars of soap to lather with. We shall see how long this will last, but for me it will be more beneficial and arguably more fun that just buying more and more stuff. By the way I don't know Quaznoid at all and I'm hoping he doesn't mind me using his handle for this challenge. All in the name of good fun and simplicity.
Below is a photo of my simple kit moving forward as well as the instant small collection I’ve already accumulated that I’ll be sending along.