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Huge admission-anyone else?

OK, I've been curious about this for a couple of months. I haven't been around B&B for very long and maybe I missed it. I've been "wet shaving" brush and all for over 40 years. Started with some type of double edge and quickly progressed to a straight which served me well for over 30 years using a DE occasionally. Never used many cartridges because I just didn't care for them
Several months ago I switched to DE full time and as I have added razors to my stash I found each to have there strong points. Is there anyone else out there that actually uses 2 DEs during a shave, or am I the only oddball?:confused::eek: I really don't need to use more than 1 of my favorites to reach a bbs shave but for instance with a slant I can get by with 2 passes if I touch up my jawline with the futur,
Anybody else do this?:blushing:
OK, I've been curious about this for a couple of months. I haven't been around B&B for very long and maybe I missed it. I've been "wet shaving" brush and all for over 40 years. Started with some type of double edge and quickly progressed to a straight which served me well for over 30 years using a DE occasionally. Never used many cartridges because I just didn't care for them
Several months ago I switched to DE full time and as I have added razors to my stash I found each to have there strong points. Is there anyone else out there that actually uses 2 DEs during a shave, or am I the only oddball?:confused::eek: I really don't need to use more than 1 of my favorites to reach a bbs shave but for instance with a slant I can get by with 2 passes if I touch up my jawline with the futur,
Anybody else do this?:blushing:

I've done it multiple times. Sometimes first pass with a Tech and second/third with an SS. Sometimes I even use three razors for one shave. Am I crazy? Probably.:lol:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I almost always use more than one razor during a shave. A first pass with an injector followed by two or more DE passes is de rigueur in my house.
I often use my Merkur Mustache Razor for touch up under my nose. I tend to try different razors and blades so I stick to one main razor at a time. I might give it a try however.
The only time I use two razors is if I'm trying a new, very aggressive razor and after two passes WTG and afraid to go ATG, I'll change to finish it off. I've learned that if you try ATG with an overly aggressive razor you're in for some serious razor burn.



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I usually use the same razor until the blade becomes dull! I might re-use the same or change razors.
For a time I was using a Fat Tech under my nose and around my lips/mouth and a Red Tip for the rest of my face. Now I use a Slim for everything.
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