I recently scored a Coti on Ebay. The guy listed a few hones and listed them as a machinists hone lot (you may have seen my earlier post "is this a coti") upon recieving it i already had my slurry stone from SRP so i created my first slurry on it (i know, sweet right?). Just for fun i flipped it over and did the same to the back, it created a dark film or slurry on it too. Does this mean it is a BBW or does the slate that cottis are glued to also do it? I was instructed to use a DMT from another member to see if that creates the slurry also but my DMT won't be hear until Monday (that's a whole different can of worms) is there another way i can test it to see if it is a BBW? It's kind of a blueish or greyish film