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How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

From the Truefitt and Hill Website: "As a general rule, longer hair needs more attention than shorter hair. Hair that is longer than 5 inches should be washed and conditioned 5-7 times a week. The oils your hair naturally produce are important and too much washing will strip them."

I would assume that shorter hair needs less washing then right? Whats your take?


My elbows leak
Staff member
Don't know about T&H, but I have VERY short hair and I wash my hair 7 days a week.
Never had a problem of any kind.
I read a while back that washing everyday strips essential oils from the hair shaft, and should be washed every other day. Personally, i just wash it every day, i just think the major concern for guys is over washing and the use of too much shampoo.

Good day,

Mine is trimmed very short using an electric trimmer with no guard. Almost bald. I wash it every day. Don't even use shampoo, just the same soap I wash the rest of me with.
Is that a typo? If they're warning about excessive washing stripping oils, why are they suggesting 5-7 times/week for longer hair?
Is that a typo? If they're warning about excessive washing stripping oils, why are they suggesting 5-7 times/week for longer hair?

Agreed. Their logic seems backwards. For those with long hair (or in the process of growing their hair long) here's an informative Web site that offers some good common sense tips:
On Being A Longhair
Agreed. Their logic seems backwards. For those with long hair (or in the process of growing their hair long) here's an informative Web site that offers some good common sense tips:
On Being A Longhair

Although I think your right, the statement may be geared toward a person like me who showers twice a day. I shower when I get up, before my shave, and later in the day, after my workout.
Don't even use shampoo, just the same soap I wash the rest of me with.

When I was in basic training I used the same Dial bar soap that I showered with. It left me with a tremendous case of dandruff.

That said I shampoo each time I shower, usually just once a day, but sometimes more depending on my activity during the day.
I wash my hair every other day. On alternate days, I rinse in the shower. I might wash my hair more frequently if I didn't have an office job.

I have usually have a shaved head or about a month's growth if I'm feeling lazy. I wash my hair/head about daily - no shampoo, just my Cinthol soap.
Instead of daily, I use Johnson's Baby Shampoo every three or four days after following the advice of someone on this board. Hair looks thick and as healthy as its ever been. Over washing doesn't work for me.
My hair touches my shoulders. I also process it as the mood strikes, right now it's brown. I wash it every day. Wendy's hair is longer than mine and her daughters is to mid-back. Shampooing every day is the norm and both have gleaming beautiful hair. I would say to do what works for you.

There are many quality conditioners if you have dry hair. Washing you hair less often doesn't seem to be the best choice IMO. Oils are indeed natural but so is sweat.
i have hair nearly bellybutton length in the back and a couple inches past the nipple in the front and i know that it's static-y and flyaway looking if i wash it daily,

i get it wet every second day and wash it twice a week, it never looks greasy or gross, and is never tangled, it alwyas feels nicer than it did when i washed it daily.
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