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How often do you change your blade?

This isn't about money. Changing a blade for no reason is not smart. Especially if you find the first shave or 2 rough.

interesting. I got into a three shaves a blade routine, but the current blade is going for it's sixth today, it's a Wilkinson sword. I actually took it out midweek with a view to changing and then had second thoughts as the shave had been fine. Yesterdays shave was really smooth and the results excellent, so I am going to leave it in until I notice the bite.

I know where this is going to take me. A big sample pack and a spreadsheet. Done before ? Not by me :)
i change blade after every shave.
recently i believe my technique has gotten much better as i have been getting really nice shaves, so i decided to try a second shave with a 7oc black. on my xtg pass i could hear a nasty rough sound, also felt tugging, so i think i will stick with one shave per blade for comfort sake
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