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How often do you change your blade?

I change the blade after three shaves, regardless. If a blade cannot make three perfect shaves, it will not make it in my stock. Blades are too cheap to spoil a good shave and a morning. Bad shave = bad day.
Life is too short.
Okay, so Turtle has too much time on his hands. However, he's on to something. I have started to mark my blades with a Sharpie marker with simply a dot for every shave. My present Timor blade has 4 dots. We'll see whether I can go to a 5th shave or not with it. I often can't remember whether it's the second or third shave for a certain blade. That's why I started the dots.

Usually, I change blades after 3 shaves--given that I got Derby Extras for $0.08 a piece, I think it's okay and about right for shave quality. I recently only got 2 (1 1/2) shaves out of a Merkur blade. I was appalled, since I consider them to be very good blades. After buying so many Derbys and having bought 100 Shark SCs, I may not buy any Merkurs for a while.
2 for feathers, one for carbon se, 3 for most any other de. My grain goes everywhere in some spots so I need to buff some spots and that takes blades down faster.
Bateman, all --

This is a 're-run' of a previous post I entered on blade changing...

I'm now in my 60's, and as my whiskers turned gray, they became pretty tough.

Anyway, this blade changing issue seems to arise when someone has a fixed notion that a blade should last a week or so, and in fact for them the blade may be past its prime after only two or three or four days due to personal factors. In that case the remaining days are subsequently less than satisfactory, as blade longevity for them doesn't match their expectation or what some other guys report.

Guys here will get 2 to 6 shaves, or more, per blade, all depending on personal factors to them. The average is probably 3 ~ 4 shaves or so. Factors are the brand of blade itself, lubrication, sensitivity of their skin, toughness and density of their beard/whiskers, type of razor, number of passes per shave, personal technique, and so on. Only the user can determine when swapping in a fresh blade is needed.

As to when to change blades; at some point, the blade will become 'dull' in that it will not reliably 'shave' the whiskers. 'dull' is relative, because a 'dull' blade is still very, very sharp and can easily cut you.

But the blade will only 'cut' --not 'shave' the whiskers. You will become aware shaving takes somewhat more effort; that the blade is leaving some stubble/uncut whiskers behind after a pass; that there is a little additional 'tugging' or 'pulling' that was not present the day before, that following the shave, your face feels 'prickly' or otherwise irritated. So be attentive and change blades accordingly.

The routine I've fallen into is 3 to 4 shaves per blade --that's two blades per week. I don't try to extend this, though I can get two weeks of great shaves with the old Personna*74's. That said, you should always shave with a blade that is in its' prime --blades are cheap and there's no reason to eek out additional shaves to save a couple of pennies.

-- John Gehman
I believe the key to a smooth comfortable shave is the sharpest blade available. I can get a decent shave from a blade on its 4th 3-pass shave but I haven't found any blade that's as good on its 10th pass as it was on its first. So I don't push any blade beyond 3 shaves as I won't settle for decent when I can have great. I will occasionally try a new "flavor of the month" blade but I'm almost always disappointed. Each week I set up a 7-razor rotation and move the blade between razors as the week progresses; it's always discarded after 3-shaves but sometimes earlier if I detect any deterioration whatsoever. Blades are too cheap* and life too short to put up with a less than great shave. My brother, who has a heavier coarser beard, switches after the 2nd shave.

*blades cost only between 10% and 25% of what I paid (on an inflation adjusted basis) when I started shaving in the mid-1960s.
2 shaves regardless of the types of blades. This way if a blade is already in the razor, I know it is the second shave and then right after the second shave it goes in the trash, next time I load a new blade...blades are too cheap to worry about. Occasionally, I did try to push a blade to the 3rd shave...so far it only worked for Polsilver.
Well, today I got a 5th shave from that Timor blade I'd marked with 4 dots (one per use). Noticed a weeper, so I'll be discarding it and shaving with a new blade on Tuesday before work. I no longer shave daily, although I'd like to. I just don't have to shave every day since I'm a staff nurse now and work three 12-hour shifts in seven days. With more days off, I let my face rest and have more whiskers to whack! :w00t:
I seriously don't get the 2-3 shave/blade experience. I realize some have extremely tough beards but I can't imagine that any quality blade can't go for 5+ CC shaves. I have been trying to get 5-7 and usually can with no problems and then I just feel like a new blade. Then I read about guys going 15, 20, 25 shaves (see http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...ual-quot-One-Blade-in-February-quot-Challenge) and similar threads and I wonder if I should give blades a little more time before changing. Wondering if MMMV?
I seriously don't get the 2-3 shave/blade experience. I realize some have extremely tough beards but I can't imagine that any quality blade can't go for 5+ CC shaves. I have been trying to get 5-7 and usually can with no problems and then I just feel like a new blade. Then I read about guys going 15, 20, 25 shaves (see http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...ual-quot-One-Blade-in-February-quot-Challenge) and similar threads and I wonder if I should give blades a little more time before changing. Wondering if MMMV?

It will. I know mine does.
Blades are so cheap now that I usually replace them after 3 shaves. But I have pushed them to 5 or 6 on occasion. Even the best blades start pulling for me after the 5th shave.
I have NO idea... I usually go with "until it doesn't feel right (pulling, snagging), but overall, I believe that I've been getting several per blade, but I haven't ever counted.

The only one I remember, was a Dorco blade that came with one of the razors, and on the first pass, I felt like I was waxing my face, as the pulling was so bad)... it didn't even finish that single pass.
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