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How much are you willing to spend on a suit?

How much did you spend on your suit?

  • $100-250

  • $250-500

  • $500-800

  • $800-1300

  • $1300-1850

  • $1850-4000

  • $4000-8000

  • $8000-10000

  • $10000+

Results are only viewable after voting.
Curious as to how much everyone spends when they get a new suit. Poll is anonymous. But obviously open to discussion! :)
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I wear a suit to interviews, weddings and funerals. They spend more time on a hangar than on me. It is nice to look amazing but it just isn't financially feasible spend too much more than a few hundred on a suit.

I do go for nicer shirts but I can wear those with casual blue jeans, etc...
Weddings and interviews is it.
Virtually every time I have occasion to wear a suit, I need a new one due to weight changes... or style changes since a suit that was "in style" in 1992 is not in style now.

Last suit was about $100 and another $40 to have it tailored.
If I wore a suit regularly, I'd be willing to go into the $250-$500 range and that is where I voted.
I wear suits everyday of the work week and most Saturdays so quality and comfort are a must. I voted for the x-$4k since everything higher than that is paying for a name or a fine heavy fabric. I live in AZ so the heavy fabric is not needed.
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Bit of an unfair question, I am having one made by my usual guy here for SGD600 which is just under USD500. No way would I be able to get bespoke in UK for that!
I'm willing to go pretty high, but you aren't really getting anything more going over 8 grand other than some exotic fabric, which to me, isn't worth it. Once you hit 4k, you have pretty much maxed out in terms of quality, at least insofar as fit and construction are concerned, which is the whole point of bespoke.

Same here. I wear suits when meeting with clients. Most of my clients are well heeled and it would not look good for me to show up in a cheap suit. Nevertheless, I do buy most of my suits on sale or at the end of the season when they have been marked down.
I very rarely wear suits - only have 3. A cheap navy blue one for meetings at the bank, etc. a decent quality off the peg check one and a hand made in charcoal grey for the rare occasions that demand something outstanding. My max would be 4k.
I'm a programmer - if I wore a suit to a job interview, I would be at the wrong job interview. Since I already bought a cheap suit jacket in the 80s, I would only need to pickup a nice pair of pants at a thrift store, I would be good to go.

0 to $100.

I don't have much need for a suit either weddings etc. but I voted 200-500. Would spend more maybe depending on what type/style of suit. Would love to visit savile row for a old stock suit, that would never happen though.
Yeah $200-$500 is about my range as well. I work in a casual work envirnment (dress pants/dockers and button down oxford) and only wear a suit when important clients are in the office. Other than that, the occasional wedding, funeral or special event.
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I rarely wear suits. $250 - $350 would be my limit. The four, relatively new suits I currently own are all I need.
I've spent up to $600 in the past, so I picked $500 to $800 range.... but the more I think about it I may be willing to go a little higher than that.

My company is business casual, so I wear suites maybe 5 times a year. Under $500 for me. However in my next life I will be doing Bespoke on Saville Row!
I'm willing to go pretty high, but you aren't really getting anything more going over 8 grand other than some exotic fabric, which to me, isn't worth it. Once you hit 4k, you have pretty much maxed out in terms of quality, at least insofar as fit and construction are concerned, which is the whole point of bespoke.

For the most part. At the shop I get my suits 6k starts the suits that are made by the original owner of the shop. Albeit he is in the "Tailor hall of fame" so it is understandable and mostly a name thing. Beside him making suits the quality does start to max out at about 6k. Anything above are the very very fine, extremely limited and rare fabrics. 4k to 6k usually are very heavy cashmere and silk winter suits.
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