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How many Freemasons do we have on B&B


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
My brother is a Mason. Never really understood what they do. Other than control the world from dark underground bunkers and have bizarre rights and rituals......I kid....he is a Mason and I have no clue what it means or entails
We are the rejects of the Illuminati.....
I am the SW elect of Shornecliffe #420 UGLQ.

Freemasonry is struggling here in Queensland, I am afraid to report. There is a lot of in fighting, and a nasty little clique in GL who believe that to be a Mason you need to be just like them - follow football, share their political beliefs etc. They care nothing for growing The Craft and it shows. They love to spread malicious gossip and engage in other such unmasonic conduct. Some have even caught with their hand in the till so to say, with one such member receiving a pay cheque for over $3.5 MILLION DOLLARS. We have a splinter group who wishes to split and form another GL. So in ten years from now I don't see our fraternity surviving in my state at all.

Three years back I had the unfortunate discovery to learn that my proposer is an apron thief. He has two suitcases of stolen regalia. Now of course I couldn't keep this silent. I blew the whistle and told every brother I knew. My mother Lodge had a mock enquiry and took his side. Needless to say that I showed the middle finger and exited stage right.

Sure that are many here who do uphold Masonic values, but not nearly as many as I would hope.

I hope that our fraternity is doing better in your jurisdiction. Appreciate what you have, and never take it for granted.
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