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How many aftershaves do you have?

10 so far.
My top six are:
Alt Innsbruck
Spanish Leather
Pinaud Clubman Classic
Pinaud Clubman Lilac Vegetal
Pinaud Clubman Lime Sec

I also have:
Pinaud Clubman MUsk
Pinaud Clubman Vanilla
Aqua Velva
Captains Choice Bay Rum

Still have other which I would like to try:
Dr. Harris
Truefitt & Hill
I have a small bottle of Halston and a bottle of Old Spice. That's it for after shaves.
I have a small sample bottle of British Sterling cologne (don't know where I got it), a small bottle of Halston cologne, Swiss Army Eau de Toilette, Musk Skin for men and New Musk for men.
When I was younger I never experimented. Old Spice or nothing. Now as I get older, I think I'm gonna try all those scents, like Aqua Velva, Brut, Skin Bracer, English Leather, etc., that were around back then but I ignored. Think I'll post a thread for recommendations.
At least 26 for me...

Clubman Special Reserve
Fine for RazoRock XXX
Fine Fresh Vetiver
Fine Savon Lavande
Fine American Blend
Fine Italian Citrus
Myrsol Agua Balsamica
TOBS Jermyn St
RazoRock Baby Blue
Proraso Green old formulation
Ogallala Bay Rum Limes & Peppercorns
RazoRock problem solver lime
La Toja
RazoRock King Louis Lavender
RazoRock Evil Eye Lime
RazoRock Zi Peppino
RazoRock King of the Castle Lavender
RazoRock King of the Castle Lime
D.H Harris Windsor
Dollarama Just Clear
Crabtree & Evelyn West Indian Lime
I had 22 last time I couted and that was over 6 months ago. I recently gained a few so maybe 25. I don't know I just collect and use when I feel the erge.
30 on the night stand, I didn't count the ones in the night stand drawer or on the bathroom counter, under the bathroom counter, or the cabinet where I keep my razors.
I've got 5 *** and about 8 EDTs.

I'm in the process of finishing off my EDTs and only buying *** from now on. Used to have a lot more but been moving around a lot lately so been leaving behind some with each hop.
1-CC bay rum
2-CC co9t
3-CC lime
3-Floid the genuine
4-Floid blue
6-Razorock xxx
8-Old spice
9-Proraso green
11-Als calypso
12-Aqua velva ice sport
13-Barbasol pacific rush
14-Calvin Klein aqua
1. Captain's Choice North
2. Captain's Choice Cat O' Nine Tails
3. Gabels Bay Rum
4. Osage Rub
5. Proraso Liquid Cream Aftershave
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