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How Long do YOU spend shaving?

Recently, my dear wife called me out on the fact that I take "way too long" to shave. I told her I was trying to make it quick, but she shot me down when she said "You just spent 45 minutes in the bathroom." The only thing I could say is "At least I have a smooth face and smell of sandalwood?"

So my question for you, brothers (and sisters) is... how long do you generally spend shaving? How long is the LONGEST that you've spent on a single shave... and while we're at it, what's the quickest shave that you've had (while still using traditional wetshaving techniques and a DE or SE)?
I'm still new at this sport, so it takes anywhere between 25 to 40 minutes. This usually includes beard prep plus some kind of new technique or strategy I've learned on these forums.


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Longest 45 mins, shortest, 10 minutes, average (today) 15 mins. All using a straight razor. With a DE (before I switched to a straight razor), my average was around 20 minutes. Everything includes face lathering, shave, AS and cleaning up my mess (no shower)
It takes me right around 20 minutes to shave my face and the dome(30 minutes to shower and shave). The shortest was 7 minute the shower and shave with some Speick cream rubbed on. The longest was probably my first headshave and face, I think it took around 40 minutes(I wasn't really timing it). My average has gone down a touch as I have progressed.
Usually 10 minutes for a two-pass DE shave. Face lathered for the first time this morning, so my time will probably drop from here! When I first started, it might take me around 20 minutes.
Resist the urge to rush things. At first, things can certainly take a long time, but it is a good time! Nowadays, I can get a great daily shave after only two passes with the DE. From the time that I enter the bathroom, shower, build lather, shave, splash, clean the sink and gear and leave the bathroom, it ranges between 15 to 20 minutes. But, speed just sort of naturally comes with time – it is more about finding efficiency than trying to shave quickly.

Straight shaves under that same system, with three passes, have gotten me closer to the 1 hour mark. Nowadays it takes around 30 minutes.

In a pinch, I can drill a quickly rinsed boar brush into a puck of Tabac, face lather, and complete a two pass shave with an aggressive DE in 5 minutes including splash and clean up:taz:, but there is no pleasure in that.
15-20 min from brush soak to counter/sink wipe down. Less time if using a shave stick and face lathering, longer if bowl lathering and build some yogurt.
Usually about 20 - 25 minutes. I think my shortest was 10, but I was rushed and only did a quick 1-pass with a couple touch ups. I didn't have any weepers, so I skipped the alum. I wanted quick & presentable, not great as I was running late. The longest was probably about 45, but it was my first attempt and I built lather a few times before I got it down. Then I spent a lot longer than necessary with shaving.

The times are from when I first start loading my brush ( as I soak it during my shower ) and when I bring everything back to my shave den and put it away.
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My wife also occasionally comments on my 'excessive time in the bathroom' - around 30 minutes to shower and leisurely shave (with a straight) or 25 minutes total with a Safety.

I did point out that this is the only time I actually spend 'grooming' and if we add up the time she takes to dry her (long) hair, paint finger and toe nails, apply makeup, remove hair from legs etc (apart from shower and bath time) then I'd be confident that her grooming time went far beyond my 30 minutes max per day.
10-15 minutes if you start timing me when I start to whip up some lather and stop when I finish the application of aftershave balm.
Oh about 30 minutes on average, 45 at max.

That's from soaking my brush and washing my face (no shower) to after-shave and cleanup.
Excluding the shower, 20 minutes. Includes equipment prep time (new blade, brush soak, waiting for hot water to arrive at the sink). 3 passes.
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