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How do you strop when you travel?

How do you strop on the road?

  • I take my home strop with me on the road.

  • I use a one piece (e.g. just leather) hanging travel strop.

  • I use a two piece (e.g. leather and fabric) hanging travel strop.

  • I use a paddle strop.

  • I strop on whatever's handy (e.g. newspaper, etc.).

  • I don't strop on the road.

  • I do something else.

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I'm looking at several business trips over the next couple of months and am considering travelling with my straights for the first time. It looks like most people have a travel strop that they pack carefully and can hang from a door knob, towel rack, etc., but I thought I'd take a little poll to see how people strop on the road.
I find an Illinois 827, which is a thin but really effective strop for me,

can be laid on its side inside my dopp kit

with the canvas from the strop facing inwards. By this method, the strop takes up very little space and acts as a liner inside the dopp kit. Its the perfect solution for stropping while traveling IMO.
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The Feltrinelli bookstore in Modena gives away long, skinny plastic bags to put your umbrella in when it rains. It's perfect for my home strop, which I just lay in the suitacase. I have a leather shoelace for hanging from the doorknob in the bathroom.
I travel about 15 days a month on average so I have my routine down. I use an old Illinois horse hide with a linen side pasted with crox. I can use both unpasted side or the crox side by just flipping the strop a certain way. The only problem is finding somewhere to hang stops since most strops come with a clip and swivel of sort so I use my cell phone charger to loop around the door knob.

I do have a paddle strop but I don't really like the finish I get from it but I did just order a travel strop from Rayman that I will put some major miles on that bad boy.
Since I never use DEs anymore, I use my travel time to give my DE razors some attention!
I can pretty much just as good a shave off a DE, and I find traveling with a straight to be just overall a huge pain in the ***.
I used to bring a strop with me but I started thinking "Hey my skin is essentialy leather." I started stropping on my thigh and it has been working well for the past 20 trips or so.

I would not recommend this to everybody. If you have knicked your strop within the past year I would say this method is not for you. Blood stains on your trousers will start all kinds of jokes at your expense.
I use the small 2 inch Dovo canvas/leather strop, with some gunline (heavy string) tied to the top ring. That and a small barbers hone are all I need to deploy with

I use paddle strops exclusively for my stropping, so it makes sense to take one with me when travelling !

Have fun !

best regards

I have a small piece of scrap leather (roughly 3 1/2" by 9") that I lay on a hardcover book and essentially use it as a paddle strop. One day I will get a chunk of wood or something to glue it onto. It's not very fast but it works good and is small enough to take up almost zero room in my bag. It's wide enough that I can just bring the edge of the leather to the edge of the book and go straight up and down and not have to do an x stroke. I always bring a book to read anyway so that is already there.

I also don't travel very often. If I did I would get a small strop to bring with me or bring my practice strop but my little piece of leather on a book works fine for me.
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