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How do you house your shave den?

As someone who is getting deeper and deeper into wet shaving, I am having a problem, and I am hoping that someone who has faced this problem can give me a suggestion for a product to help solve the nuisance. I like my bathroom to be neat an orderly, but the more I enjoy wet shaving, the more products I am buying. I am blessed to be able to afford anything I want (single, no kids lol) and so I don't want to sell any of my brushes or creams or razors to clear up space. Actually, I want to buy more, I can't get enough shaving gear...I can't be the only one who wants to try everything.

I bought a fairly large vanity tray that would handle all my shaving stuff as well as my other toiletries and it did for a while. However, now that I have several tubs of different creams, razors, brushes, etc I find that I can only have 1 or 2 tubs and one brush and razor and bowl with my other toiletries, without the sink being overloaded and looking junky. I don't have a medicine cabinet, so I am storing the rest of the stuff in a couple plastic containers below the sink. Now even those are starting to overfolw.

I have been looking for a bathroom storage solution, maybe a counter-top medicine cabinet, but my searching the internet has proven mostly futile. Like many of you, since the tubs of shaving cream, and razors and other stuff look so good, I was hoping to find something that wasn't cheap plastic, but yet had a lot of storage. I realize this is basically the definition of a first world problem, and I apologize if I sound like a spoiled brat, but I swear wet shaving has become my one hobby I pour money into (sports is my other, but that is free) and I do work 60 hour weeks, so I allow myself to enjoy this hobby as a reminder of why I put in so many hours.

So does anyone who has faced the problem of an overgrown shave den have a link, or a product they can suggest?
I'm slowly taking over a shelf in a linen closet right outside the bathroom. The next step is hanging my strops and cordoning off an area. Little by little and my wife doesn't even notice the take-over. I realize you don't have the same dilemmas, but there must be somewhere, maybe near by the bathroom, you can store and sort your shaving necessities. I too have a bathroom I like to keep clean and modern looking, but it is very small and doesn't take much to clutter it up.
I have a linen closet where I can clear a shelf to store the everything. Again, this sounds spoiled, but I was hoping to have something in the bathroom , that would provide both storage and where it would be able to be displayed (for my enjoyment, I am the only one in there) and also accessible. That way, I can just choose what combo of razor, cream, and aftershave I will use on the spot. Again, if I have to go into a closet or underneath the sink, it is not the end of the world. I just see these guys that have medicine closets full of stuff or tons of product on their sink, and I get a little jealous. Maybe the answer is to be happy with what I got, and stop looking at people's shave dens on youtube.

I have thought about taking the straight razor plunge, but two things hinder me. First I want to get much more proficient using a DE and second, I can't imagine where I would put all the straight razors, strops, and other accessories that I would convince myself I would suddenly need. You straight razor guys have my respect though, scary just looking at it!
My collection takes the better part of my desk's ample hutch. The rest is stored under the bathroom sink and on a shelf I made for my shaving kit back when I had a reasonable amount.
Those pictures where guys have stuff out in the bathroom... yeah, that's just what happens to be out. You can rest assured there's a closet, a drawer, or a desk somewhere with the rest of the stash.

Edit: No matter how much space you make in the bathroom it will get full and cluttered again. Or at least we can hope! :thumbup:
The top of my dresser is devoted to shaving gear and cologne. As well as my medicine cabinet... Along with a shelf in my bathroom...
I installed sliding drawers under my vanity and it opened up a lot more space for my goodies.

View attachment 322097 $drawer.jpg
The wife found a floor standing English oak Victorian cabinet for the shave den that holds a lot of my stuff. I have razors in that and in some boxes on top and on the shelves of it.

I have a shelf for after shaves. Blades, soaps and creams are in the 6 drawers of the vanity.

I pretty much have my own bathroom so no worries about taking all of the available space I need.

It helped a lot when I sold off about 40 +/- razors and brushes a few months ago





That is one amazing bathroom. Not just talking about the gear, everything there looks really awesome

+1, some built in speakers and some classical music would make for a euphoric shaving experience, especially with the warm sunrise peaking through that window.
Just remember that blades and loaded razors should NOT be stored in a bathroom or any place where there is potential moisture. And that includes being next to a moist brush. Unless, of course, you WANT to degrade the sharpness of your blades.

Keep 'em dry!
Marty ur master bath here in San Miguel de Allende has a fireplace and is as large as many bedrooms. I was very lucky to get some furniture with the house including a very deep, 6 foot tall antique mesquite cabinet with shelves, drawers and enough room for 6 lifetime's supply of shaving gear and supplies. The other 2 lifetime's worth, I keep in boxes in the casita.

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