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How do you dispose of your blades?

I thought this would be an interesting subject, providing no one has discussed it before. What do you do with used blades? How do you dispose of them safely? I hope you don't have one of those mystery slots in an old style "medicine chest". I've changed a few of those in my day and let me tell you, I've found many, many, many used blades between the walls. They'd still be there if it wasn't for that horse shoe magnet and some twine I keep in my toolbox. I rehabbed a bathroom removing the plaster and lathing and found a pile that must have been a foot tall between 2 wall studs.:w00t: Was this a stupid idea or what?


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I made a blade bank with a tin of soup. Works wonder. Afterwards, you can bring it to the hospital I think (disposed as medical bin).
i have a small tomato paste can that i rinsed out through a slot for blades, i guess when its full i;ll just bring it to the iron disposal at the welding hsop i work in
i always wanted one of those slots though, i almost cut one into my house just for fun :)
Get a tin of soup/condensed cream. Open it a little with a tin opener so that it leaves a slot in the top just wide enough for a blade to fit through. Pour the soup/cream out of the tin, then wash it out by holding the slot under the tap. Then maybe make the slot a little narrower by tapping it inwards slightly with a hammer so that the blades won't fall out if you held the tin upside down.
Many brands of blades come in plastic containers. I use them.

I figure the plastic will be intact to protect landfill scavengers from cuts until well after the steel has rusted the blades into a gritty spall. A holder holds about 3 times as many used blades as it did individually wrapped new blades.

Except for the fun of making a blade bank out of found objects, I can't see any reason to do otherwise. On that tip, I've seen photos of headphone amps mounted into Altoid's cans, why not an Altoid's blade bank?

What do you do with the container when it's full?

With a tin I should think that you'd just be able to dispose of it in the recycling along with other tins that you throw away. And hammer the slot shut as well. With a pill bottle, maybe empty it out into a medical sharps box? Or into a tin with a slot in the top and then hammer it shut ;-) lol
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I bought a blade bank from Em's Place for a buck when I got my 38C razor a year and a half ago. Still using the blade bank, it isn't full yet!
I made a blade bank with a tin of soup. Works wonder. Afterwards, you can bring it to the hospital I think (disposed as medical bin).

Or just throw it into the steel bin at the recycling center. It gets heated to the point that I would hope it's sterile at the foundry.
I know that some on here have actually gotten sharps containers (like those used for used needles) and when full the idea is to drop them off at a hospital where they will be properly taken care of.

If anyone out there actually does this, could you comment on the process?
for anyone wanting a sharps container someone posted a link to a free one,


i guess you just fill it out and they ship you one,

i think its really good because it shouldnt be something that is outside someones price range, i know they have them in a lot of public washrooms and such to keep biohazard sharps off the ground and out of reach,

so anyone that has space can order one,

im just gonna stick with my can though :) i dont have room for a sharps container, and blade banks are cooler,

ps, i dont think they recycle the blades or anyting at the hospital, because for needles which is the majority of what theyre used for in the hospital system, the amount of steel vs plastic and processing dont add up, i think they just seal them off and throw them in the landfill,

i have a blade slot cut into the top of my blade bank, but as someone noted, i think a better way to do it would be to get one of those flush cut can openers, the kind that cut the top of the can off, not just cut out that disk, and make a razor wide incision in it, pry it up a bit , rinse it out , and fill that, then when its full you can hammer that hole closed and give it to a welder or someone you know and have them bring it to work :) i work in a welding shop and we recycle all iron parts much safer too, jsut a can of blades :)

just my 2 cents
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