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How about this for a laugh

The gym where I work out every day, and have for the past 2.6 years, is one where both ladies and men belong. Today the manager came up to me and said that a woman told her that she should revoke my membership, and have me leave because I sweat so much. I'll admit that I do sweat to the extreme, but I always clean up after myself. I dry and wipe with disinfectant any cardo machine I use. Can you imagine the gall of that women, I mean isn't that what you're supposed to do in a gym? Sweat I mean? Of course the Mgr. told her that that's what you go to a gym for, and that she'd do no such thing. The woman told her that she wasn't going to renew her membership. Guess I found a way to get rid of the undesirables, just sweat around them. :thumbup1:
What a ridiculous thing to complain about. It makes about as much sense as people complaining to their hotel/resort that they want a refund...because they didn't pay for bad weather. Some people are just miserable. Avoid them at all costs.
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