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Hot stuff!

Someone please explain something to me. First of all, I don't mind a bit of heat, and I love a lot of flavor...but why in hell's creation would you want to eat something that renders your tastebuds useless, makes your eyes water, your head pound, your blood pressure to go off the scale, your heartbeat to be excessive and cause you to drink gallons of water? Based on what I am reading here, spilling some of these sauces on your skin would cause third degree burns!

Part of it is the cool factor, plus one-upmanship, as stated before. For more reasonable, but still very hot sauces, there is an endorphin rush associated with eating them that can create mild euphoria and (some say) addiction. :wink:
Of all places on earth, I had a sample of this stuff from a restaurant in Vancouver B.C., called "Wheezy Bistro" (sorry if miss-spelled, but a great name) A friend of mine who worked there at the time gave me about an ounce of the stuff in a small plastic cup. I had lived the "chili life" up to that point, or so I had thought, having had almost every great hot sauce from South America to Asia. This one simply was off the chart. I would cook a whole pot (2 gallons+ of stewed meat and gravy, and with a toothpick's flat end, dip the tip into the sauce and that was enough to make grown men cry when eating the stew. (it was so hot that many actually could not even eat it). And the term 'burns you twice" never rang more true if you hit it too hard. "Come on, ice cream!" I eat spicy food every single day, and I wasn't able to get through one ounce of that sauce in the year or so that I had it, before I moved. Should come with a warning label, no joke, though "Fear" should work, I guess..


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Someone please explain something to me. First of all, I don't mind a bit of heat, and I love a lot of flavor...but why in hell's creation would you want to eat something that renders your tastebuds useless, makes your eyes water, your head pound, your blood pressure to go off the scale, your heartbeat to be excessive and cause you to drink gallons of water? Based on what I am reading here, spilling some of these sauces on your skin would cause third degree burns!


With all due respect, I am going to have to ask you to stop complaining about my wife's cooking again.:tongue_sm
I go for Melinda, and here's why:
Anybody can make hot sauce, and the competition shouldn't be to see who can make it hotter. That's simply a matter of chemistry. more capsaicin = more heat. Some hot sauces are administered with an eye-dropper. Frankly, IMO that's just bragging.
Tabasco is hot, but it's too vinegary.
Here's what I like about Melinda: Plenty of heat, depending upon which variety you get, and loads of flavor. The vinegar is quite subdued and the various flavors come bursting through, in alternating waves of hot and cold that fill the head.
One variety, the mango, is so mild that it makes a delightful accompaniment to chicken. Their chipotle goes great on eggs--not to mention many other things.
The basic hot sauce comes in 4 varieties: regular, Extra, XXX, and XXXX--which used to be available by special order only.
So, for the best all around combination of heat and flavor, we go for Melinda. Of course, YMMV


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I go for Melinda, and here's why:
Anybody can make hot sauce, and the combination shouldn't be to see who can make it hotter.....

Very nicely stated.

And that's exactly why I enjoy the El Yucateco Chipotle.

My current collection.

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Paul do you live with Laura Ashley?:biggrin:

Very nice collection!

MMMMMM! Don't know who Laura Ashley is, but no I'm not married to her.
Collecting good hot sauces is like shaving and all the nice stuff that goes with it. There is much to be had and not enough time to use it all!:frown:

Dave's Total Insanity.... .hands down my favorite - however if you choose to give it a go, be sure to use it conservatively.
I happen to be a Tabasco fan, the aroma is really nice. I like the original on sunny side up eggs, a couple of drops on each egg yolk. The Green Tabasco (jalapeño based) is mild, with less bite than fresh jalapeños but still with that jalapeño taste. I can almost drown food with that one.

Franks Original Hot Sauce is a must for true buffalo style chicken wings. Mix up one part Franks, one part butter and lemon juice to taste. Keep the blue cheese dressing for dipping them in and celery sticks nearby for bites between wings.

I've learned that for myself, with other brands of hot sauces I prefer carrot based, such as Melindas. The vinegar based ones turn me off, I don't like that lingering bite. For that same reason I don't like canned or bottled jalapeños when eaten straight, the vinegar is just too much for me. Fresh jalapeños I do like when I'm in the mood for them.

Years back a friend of mine gave me something different that I haven't seen anywhere since; Rica Red Habanero. All that is in it is 1 1/2 ounces of ground habanero, that's it. Just a light spinkle on grilled chicken breasts is nice, people bite into it and go "That's good, what is it?" It'll light you up for a minute and then it goes away, that's the beauty of habanero.
I've seen Melinda's at Wegmans, I think I'll try it one of these days.

Oh and Dave's is not to be poured on! My brother edged me on to mess with Dave's Insanity, I never tried Dave's before so I piled that stuff on and 5 bites later my eyes wouldn't stop watering.

Ahhhh. . .Wegman's! The best grocery store in the world! When we left Rochester friends asked what we'd miss the most. Our answer was always Wegman's, and no one laughed because they knew it was true.:tongue:

Was just in Buffalo for the holidays and spent a very happy afternoon walking the aisles of a Weggies. Great memories. My favorite store was the Pittsford mothership.

As for Dave's Insanity. . .I once tried a drop in a bowl of chili and had to toss it down the sink. Its not the kind of heat that works with food--its just for thrill seekers and sadists, its that bad.
I like lots of kinds of hot sauce. Melinda's is pretty good. I think my all-time favorite is Yucatan Sunshine. I don't care anything about super heat, I just like what tastes good. I still love regular old red Tabasco Sauce, especially on Cajun food and barbecue.

I thought about picking up some of the Blair's hot sauce when I was at Jungle Jim's in Fairfield Ohio, but couldn't decide which one. I ended up with some of the Blair's Death Rain potato chips instead. Wheeew!

I've never been to a Wegmans, but I'd be surprised if one could beat Jungle Jim's. I'm very grateful that it's a twelve hour drive from me.

I keep a bottle of "Extra Strength Asbirin" at work in my desk drawer.

I also have the following sauces:
Sriracha sauce (if you ever ate at an authertic asian reataurant, you probably saw this thick, ketchup like hot sauce....great on burgers)

Dave's Insanity

Blairs Sudden Death

Tabasco Chiptole

Frank's Red Hot

Pickapeppa sauce

I also have plochman's "chicago fire" mustard, and S&B Wasabi

Spicy food for me is a must have....I love it hot!
Someone please explain something to me. First of all, I don't mind a bit of heat, and I love a lot of flavor...but why in hell's creation would you want to eat something that renders your tastebuds useless, makes your eyes water, your head pound, your blood pressure to go off the scale, your heartbeat to be excessive and cause you to drink gallons of water? Based on what I am reading here, spilling some of these sauces on your skin would cause third degree burns!


Heat is an acquired thing. In my teen years, my mother's friends were mostly Malaysian, and those folks cook up some INSANE heat in their foods. Even their soup would make the spicy stuff to us look mild.

That said, I have a pretty high tolerance to heat...so I eat accordingly.

I use Blair's on pizza for example. Of course I just lace part of the first slice, and enjoy the heat through the rest of the meal. It's all a game of moderation, and yes those insane sauces have loads of good flavor.
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