I found this online, and I was wondering if anyone has tried it:
Homemade Shave Soap
½ teaspoon sunflower oil
¼ cup unscented glycerin soap
double boiler
decorative cup or mug
In a double boiler, cut the glycerin soap into chunks and melt. Quickly stir in the sunflower oil and move from the double boiler into a decorative cup or mug. The mixture will set very quickly!!
I don't see a reason you can't use a scented soap, and i am wondering if you could use coconut or other oil as well. Thank you, kindly!
Homemade Shave Soap
½ teaspoon sunflower oil
¼ cup unscented glycerin soap
double boiler
decorative cup or mug
In a double boiler, cut the glycerin soap into chunks and melt. Quickly stir in the sunflower oil and move from the double boiler into a decorative cup or mug. The mixture will set very quickly!!
I don't see a reason you can't use a scented soap, and i am wondering if you could use coconut or other oil as well. Thank you, kindly!