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Favorite dessert recipe?

My favorite and best dessert, is the Southern banana pudding recipe I inherited from my mother. It's simple, it's delicious, and it looks good sitting on a dinner table.

Lora's Famous Banana Pudding
You will need:

2 cups of milk
2 eggs
1/3 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
Teaspoon of vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
5 or 6 just ripe bananas
Vanilla wafers (preferably Nilla brand if you can get them)

Get you a good stainless double boiler. Fill the bottom about half full of water, and put it on to heat.

Take the top half of the double boiler, and in it combine the milk, eggs, sugar and flour, and make sure they're well mixed. I use a handheld immersion blender for this. Add the pinch of salt and stir. Put the top portion of the double boiler inside the other, and cook mixture over the boiling water for 10-15 minutes, or until it's well thickened. Don't overcook it--it'll come out tasting like eggs. So you may have to sample partway through. When done, take the boiler off heat, and mix in the teaspoon of vanilla extract. Set the pot aside. (Note: DO NOT leave the custard unattended--you'll need to stay with it and stir it the entire 10-15 mins to avoid clumping or burning.)

Line a large, flat-ish bowl with vanilla wafers on the bottom, then a layer of sliced bananas, then wafers, and so on until its deep as you want it. Once done, grab the boiler pot, and carefully pour the cooked custard mix over the wafers and bananas until the bowl is filled and it has gotten down into all the crevices. Top with a layer of vanilla wafers in whatever attractive pattern you choose. Tinfoil the bowl, and ideally refrigerate overnight to let the pudding's custard set.

Voila, you've got one of the best Southern sweets ever created. :)

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
Probably the recipe for this is in every edition of Betty Cooker's Crock Book since the first one. Apple Crisp. Mrs. Hippie just pulled her iteration of it out of the oven and the house smells delightful.

When it comes to dessert I'm mostly a "yes, please" guy. :) I like just about everything but pies top the list, then cobblers, crisps, slumps and grunts. After that robust cakes like fruitcake. Cookies are their own special category, and there as well my tastes are catholic.

Do not have Receipt for the Key Lime Pie my mother use to make when we living in Miami, Florida pre 1958. Her Key Lime Pie had no toppings, looked like a Dark Lime Green Punpkin Type Pie. We use geo go down to the Key's to buy a bushel basket of real deal Key Limes.
Do not have Receipt for the Key Lime Pie my mother use to make when we living in Miami, Florida pre 1958. Her Key Lime Pie had no toppings, looked like a Dark Lime Green Punpkin Type Pie. We use geo go down to the Key's to buy a bushel basket of real deal Key Limes.

That's the way to do Key Lime Pie.
I am a dessert guy. But very rarely are desserts or treats hand made by scratch, most are premix box stuff. Some of our nana's recipes got to me just before xmas and experimenting has started.

A few cookie recipes like almond crescents, chocolate lace type cookies and a certain type of thumbprint and filled cookies have been added.

And a bday cake our nana used to make for us as kids. My lactose allergy prevented me from enjoying since i was younger. A very bad allegy i went to an er for and the topping/icing she made/used was half milk i think.

It is called a 1-2-3-4 cake baked in a bundt mold. Very delicious with safe for me toppings. The experimenting is for the icing nana made. The recipe she used was either not kept or written down or my one lazy cousin can't find the icing recipe.

And all the baking i did with nana the bday cake was never made and the only memory of the topping is, she made it with dream whip and powdered pudding mix. And everybody's memory is the topping was a chocalatey tasting thicker whip cream. So a few attmpts with one possible good result has happened. And my belly is thankful for the taste of my youg past and the delicious cake.


I don't have a recipe but I'm very thankful for the Filipino ladies at my office who have been bringing in Food for the Gods over the holiday season. My current favourite sweet treat.
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