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Hoe leeeeeee crap, MENTHOL!!!

So, I managed to obtain eight ounces of pharmaceutical grade menthol. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Had a spare puck of soap sitting around (some William's Mug), and had just picked up a new seven ounce bottle of Aqua Velva. The soap went into a mug, and I put two ounces (!!!) of menthol on top of it, and nuked it for 20 second to melt everything, then set it aside to let it cool.

While this was happening, I poured out some of the AV into an old bottle, and started adding menthol to it. Over the next hour or two, I managed to get another TWO OUNCES of menthol to dissolve into the seven ounce bottle, then topped it back up out of the old bottle.

Between using these two in my evening/early morning shave, I haven't been able to feel my face for the last 20 minutes. Good lord, I'm in love! :eek::eek::eek:
So, I managed to obtain eight ounces of pharmaceutical grade and nuked it for 20 second then set it aside to let it cool.

While this was happening, I poured out some into an old bottle. Over the next hour or two, I managed to get another TWO OUNCES dissolve into the seven ounce bottle, then topped it back up out of the old bottle.

Between using I haven't been able to feel my face . Good lord, I'm in love! :eek::eek::eek:

The danger of such posts is the power of the red pencil!
Good job. I haven't tried a menthol aftershave yet but after reading this, I'll have to give one a shot
Freeze Frame Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I can't believe anything could be colder than Osage Rub but I am willing to try. Where does one get pharmaceutical grade menthol anyway?
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Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Between using these two in my evening/early morning shave, I haven't been able to feel my face for the last 20 minutes. Good lord, I'm in love! :eek::eek::eek:

Dude, that is one loooooooong shave! I guess you have to be careful when you can't feel the razor slicing chunks off of your chin. :blink:
Menthol rules. I have a bag of crystals for under powered aftershaves.

"Hello, my name is professorchaos, and I am a menthol addict." :biggrin:

I need to expand my collection of shaving materials to include more menthol.

"If you have a bag of crystals hidden under your bathroom sink that wasn't produced in a biker's bathtub, you might be a menthol addict." :biggrin1:
Freeze Frame Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I can't believe anything could be colder than Osage Rub but I am willing to try. Where does one get pharmaceutical grade menthol anyway?

In my case, from the compounding pharmacy that I work at! I've actually never tried Osage Rub, any one wanna send me some for a comparison? :tongue::tongue::tongue:

how did you get the williams mug soap to melt in the microwave?

1) Put soap puck into coffee mug
2) Add menthol on top of puck
3) Place mug into 1250 watt microwave on High for 20 seconds
4) Stir
5) Let sit until room temperature

Dude, that is one loooooooong shave! I guess you have to be careful when you can't feel the razor slicing chunks off of your chin. :blink:

Well, it was evening to me (I had just gotten off work a couple hours ago), but very early morning to the daywalkers in my time zone.
"Hello, my name is professorchaos, and I am a menthol addict." :biggrin:

I need to expand my collection of shaving materials to include more menthol.

"If you have a bag of crystals hidden under your bathroom sink that wasn't produced in a biker's bathtub, you might be a menthol addict." :biggrin1:

I am not in denial...I am an addict! And loving every minute of it!
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