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Hmpf! Anyone ever try to make tobacco Lampe Berger oil?

So I picked up a Lampe Berger. Been making my own oil with 91% alcohol and drops of essential oil. I'm wondering if you could soak some backy in alcohol (for a couple weeks similar to soaking bay leaves for AS) and what it might smell like when it's burned? I'm assuming (or maybe hoping) it would smell like the tobacco in the tin vs. tobacco smoke.

I might have to try this but wondering if anyone else already has?

I've never tried it but i'm sure interested if it works or not. For me, something like the smell of Mac Baren Vanilla Cream would be awesome.
I'd think using fresh leaves, not fermented and dried would be better? No?

I think if the goal was to have a "tobacco vert" scent, yes green leaves would be the way to go. If the goal is to have something that smells like tobacco in the tin, then I don't think fresh leaves would work.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Am I missing something, what about the oil part? The oil that burns, not the essential oils for scent. What oil are you using for that? Or are you contemplating making it an alcohol lamp?
Am I missing something, what about the oil part? The oil that burns, not the essential oils for scent. What oil are you using for that? Or are you contemplating making it an alcohol lamp?

Yes, actually for a Lamp Berger alcohol lamp, I referred to it as oil as I commonly see it called fragrance oil on various sites.

I actually used a blend from a local B&M called "Black English"; a very smokey smelling Latakia blend. I soaked a 1/4 cup of tobacco in ~1 cup of 91% rubbing alcohol for about a week. The result was a dark brownish alcohol. The dark coloring gave me pause as I figured that meant there were also some solids (very small, but solids) in the mix and it might foul the ceramic burner.

It all worked quire well (but see next paragraph) during the maiden run, it produced a really nice sweet smokey aroma....... I was quite pleased.

The second run not so well, I couldn't get the lamp to stay lit for the initial heating, I guess the burner is clogged. I'll continue to soak the burner in alcohol and refresh it to see if I can bring it bake, but already have a replacement burner/wick.
Been reading all the Lampe Berger threads as I just bought one. just wondering, ever vet that wick to work , or was it a casualty of the Great tobacco scent experiment?
Been reading all the Lampe Berger threads as I just bought one. just wondering, ever vet that wick to work , or was it a casualty of the Great tobacco scent experiment?

You know, the wick has been soaking since and i've not tried it since the new wick arrived. Maybe a project for this weekend.
I got mine at Low COuntry Pipes and Cigars in Myrtle Beach, but if you go the Lampe Berger website, ether is a store locator, and they are sold via a number of websites.

So far I have used my daily... Just got some essential oils to try and make my own scents. GOt Rosemary and Lavender oils. Hmmm wonder if they would mix well. I feel the mad scientist coming out.

Those things seem cool. Where did you get it?
I wonder if some kind of off-the-shelf filter, like a drinking water filter or a fuel filter, could remove the unwanted particles without removing the scent.

(And if a similar post shows up, it's because I posted it from a mobile device that failed to post and it queued it up until it could post.)
I wonder if some kind of off-the-shelf filter, like a drinking water filter or a fuel filter, could remove the unwanted particles without removing the scent.

(And if a similar post shows up, it's because I posted it from a mobile device that failed to post and it queued it up until it could post.)
Perhaps a coffee filter?
loving the Lampe Berger. Use it daily. ROutine is as follows

At night I put the wick in a tupper container and cover in fresh 92% alcohol
IN the MOrn I put like 25 drops of essential oils directly into the lampe (like 12 each of rosemary and lavender) and then
pour the alcohol that the wick was soaking in into the lampe and slosk it around a bit.
INsert the wick which I still soaked, so I light it right away and let it work all day.
AS I work from home I can move to a few different rooms throughout the day.

And if I smoke on the screen porch, I let it sit just inside the door in the house to ensure the smoke smell does not come in.
Before bed, I remove the wick and repeat.

I think this way the wick will keep from getting clogged.

WE'll see if this continues to work.
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