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High Street Bargains in the UK...

Just been into town for a spot of shopping. We went in Boots to get some nappies and I came out with a bottle of 'Boots Original Bay Rum' for £2 and a bottle of 'Boots Freshwood Aftershave Balm' for £2.40. Never tried either of these before, but at these prices I considered them worth a punt. I am going to do a review when I have been using them for a while.


But the bargains didn't end there. I went across the road to Poundland, for no particular reason, only to discover that they had 'The Real Shave Co. Sensitive Shave Cream' at £1 each for a 100ml tube, so I bought two.

Boots Bay Rum is a hair tonic, but I've used it as an aftershave, and there aftershave is quite good for its price, another cheapie that is good is Superdrugs own aftershave "Forest Fresh" for around £2.50 and you've got to love Poundland for the RSC Cream, I have quite a few of them from there.


Boots Bay Rum is a hair tonic, but I've used it as an aftershave, and there aftershave is quite good for its price, another cheapie that is good is Superdrugs own aftershave "Forest Fresh" for around £2.50 and you've got to love Poundland for the RSC Cream, I have quite a few of them from there.



Yeah I knew it was a hair tonic, but when I saw the ingredients I figured it would still work as a A/S splash. In this hot weather I am getting an irritated scalp, so I hope this will help as well as give a nice scent.
I have to say that this Bay Rum hair tonic is the spuds. It has a lovely masculine scent, it reminds me of the Barbers that my Dad took me to when I was a nipper. It leaves your hair silky and smooth, my scalp is a lot less irritated too.
I bought the Bay Rum not realising it was a hair tonic. I had no idea it could be used as an aftershave too. I like the Forest Fresh stuff too. Rather miffed my local Superdrug seems to have stopped stocking Ingrams cream after I only bought one tube. I think Boots menthol lather shave cream (not the brushless variety) has to be one of the best value creams. Not much menthol to be found really, but it works well and at 85 pence a tube I wouldn't complain.

Thanks for flagging up Poundland do the Real Shaving Co. cream. I must pick some up next time I'm in there.
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