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Help!@ how should you DE-shave by the book?

Jim Rohn is quoted as saying: “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals." All fine and dandy but - you can't apply what you don't have/can't find, right? Maybe I've just failed to find the information here - this would be no surprise since I've only just found out how to find my posts when I login:w00t: - but isn't it a bit odd that there's almost every bit of arcane esoterica regarding wetshaving here known to man - except for plain and simple information about how to perform the DE-shave passes in the proper ordered sequence with the matching face-skin pulls? (Where I live youtube is blocked so can't see Mantics vids, I seem to remember he covers this somewhat). Apologies if this data is already on the site but I can't find it.

This is good but it's for straights:http://artofmanliness.com/2009/10/06/how-to-straight-razor-shave/

Could some kind soul have a look and either:

1. Confirm/deny that this is the same sequence method for DE as well
2. If not identical, maybe share your expertise and write a wiki/spell it out for us newbs just how the DE shave differs
3. Provide a link to an already-existing B&B thread or an external non-youtube link containing the pertinent info?

Thanks in advance for any help.
I read through the process in your link and I think it's pretty much the same, although pulling the skin taut is not as important for DE shavers as it is for straight shavers. (Some DE shavers don't do any pulling or stretching at all.)
Here is another link to the granpa series for DE: http://artofmanliness.com/2008/01/04/how-to-shave-like-your-grandpa/

There is no one right solution. Carefully, find your own route once you have tried a few of the variations. For example, I use a 3 pass shave most days and omit the ATG pass. My beard just doesn't need more to get a BBS shave. If I am lazy two passes gives me a DFS. I also use a very gentle upstroke under my lower lip to catch those few hairs. But, we are all different and if you go gently and then assess the results, you will find what is the right combination for you.

Also, do not progress to fast with changing razor and blade combos. stick with one for a while at a time or you will not be able to tell whether it is your technique or differing equipment that is making the difference.

In any event, have fun.
Anyone can edit the wiki pages. That is what makes them wiki pages. Did you have a particular page in mind?

I apologise: I'm not very computer savvy and didn't understand about that. Plus, as a newb, it seems a bit presumptuous (even if I did understand the necessary steps) to add something. If it could be added to 'Methodologies' though by someone who knows how, sub-tab 'Shaving' that would be great.

Many thanks.
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I apologise: I'm not very computer savvy and didn't understand about that. Plus, as a newb, it seems a bit presumptuous (even if I did understand the necessary steps) to add something. If it could be added to 'Methodologies' though by someone who knows how, sub-tab 'Shaving' that would be great.

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