Jim Rohn is quoted as saying: “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals." All fine and dandy but - you can't apply what you don't have/can't find, right? Maybe I've just failed to find the information here - this would be no surprise since I've only just found out how to find my posts when I login
- but isn't it a bit odd that there's almost every bit of arcane esoterica regarding wetshaving here known to man - except for plain and simple information about how to perform the DE-shave passes in the proper ordered sequence with the matching face-skin pulls? (Where I live youtube is blocked so can't see Mantics vids, I seem to remember he covers this somewhat). Apologies if this data is already on the site but I can't find it.
This is good but it's for straights:http://artofmanliness.com/2009/10/06/how-to-straight-razor-shave/
Could some kind soul have a look and either:
1. Confirm/deny that this is the same sequence method for DE as well
2. If not identical, maybe share your expertise and write a wiki/spell it out for us newbs just how the DE shave differs
3. Provide a link to an already-existing B&B thread or an external non-youtube link containing the pertinent info?
Thanks in advance for any help.

This is good but it's for straights:http://artofmanliness.com/2009/10/06/how-to-straight-razor-shave/
Could some kind soul have a look and either:
1. Confirm/deny that this is the same sequence method for DE as well
2. If not identical, maybe share your expertise and write a wiki/spell it out for us newbs just how the DE shave differs
3. Provide a link to an already-existing B&B thread or an external non-youtube link containing the pertinent info?
Thanks in advance for any help.